Fifty-one🦋day out🫶🏽

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True PoV

It's been a couple of days since Azai 4th birthday and since ace came home,
This morning I was woken up by ace I picked him up from the side crib and I laid him between my legs and I changed his diaper

I then laid ace in my arms and I started feeding him whilst feeding him Jadon started to wake up
"Good morning" Jadon mumbled

"Good morning" i replied
Jadon places a kiss on my cheek and kissed aces forehead
"How was you sleep?" He asked me

"Not too good to be honest" i say to him

"I will do the night feeds tonight ma, I just needed to get some sleep for the game today" he says

"That's okay" i say smiling at him

After a little while Azia and Ari was in our bedroom
"Morning my babies" i say to them

"Morning mama" Azia says
They was both sitting at the end of my bed
"Mama?" Azia called

"Yes?" I answered

"Can we please go to daddy game?" He asked

I looked at Jadon then I looked back at Azia
"Okay fine" i say smiling

"Yayyyy" Azia says clapping his hands

"Right let's go downstairs and give mama some space" Jadon says getting out of bed
He picked up Ari then he came over to me and took ace from my arms
I pouted my lips and he kissed them

All four of them are now downstairs and I'm still in bed
I went on my phone for a bit then Jadon came back upstairs placing my coffee on the side
"Thank you baby" I say to him

"Your welcome mama" he says before walking out

I took a few sips of my coffee but it was extremely hot, I then got out of bed and started making the sheets.
I then tidied up the room putting all mine Jadons and aces dirty laundry in the laundry basket then I put all the wet wipes back in the changing basket

Then I made my way into the bathroom where I had a shower washing my hair then I got out and stood by the sink washing my face and creaming my body

I went into my closed picking my outfit and getting changed
Then I went back to my coffee and I drank some. I started brushing my wet here when Jadon walked in with a bowl in his hand
"Your breakfast ma" Jadon says

"Thank you" I say to him

"I'm having a shower real quick" he says

"Are the kids okay?" I asked him

"Yeah on the couch watching a movie and Azia is keeping an eye on ace" he says

"Okay" I say

I started eating some of the porridge Jadon made then I went into the bathroom and did my skincare.

Now I'm all ready hair and make up all done Jadon is out of the shower and all dressed too

Now I'm all ready hair and make up all done Jadon is out of the shower and all dressed too

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