Fifty-three🦋mommy and daughter day🫶🏽

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True pov

—-Couple of days later

I had a bit of a rough night last night with ace and Ari constantly waking up and needing feeding
Ace is obviously a newborn but Ari is also still a baby where she wakes once or twice in the night for milk or just to be put back to sleep

Ace last woke up around 5:30 and since then I have just decided to stay awake so I took ace with me in the living room and we just chilled there

"Mommy" Azia says walking down the stairs

"Hey boy" i say to him

"I was looking for you in your bedroom but you wasn't there" he says coming to sit next to me

"I know mommy didn't get a lot of sleep so I'm staying her" i say to him

"Why?" He asked

"Cause both Ari and ace need feeding during the night" i explained to him

"Mommy you go to sleep, I will look after ace" Azia says

"It's fine baby, I'm okay" I say to him

I carried on chilling on the couch ace was in the movement chair and Azai was sitting on the couch putting on his show
I then heard Ari cry so I went upstairs to get her they I laid back on the couch

Later on I woke up and looked around
"Fuck" I mumbled
I saw Jadon and all the kids sitting at the dining table so I walked over to them
"I'm so sorry" I say

"Why you sorry for?" Jadon asked

"I dunno I didn't mean to fall asleep" i say

"It's fine mommy I told you I will look after ace and Ari" Azia says

"I know you did baby and I bet you did a good job" i say to him

Jadon got off his chair and then he came back and put my breakfast in front of me
"Oh I'm going out I was wondering if I could take Azia and ace with me?" Jadon asked

"Yeah of course, but don't forget ace is still really fragile baby" i say to him

"Yeah I know" he replied

Jadon then went upstairs after eating his breakfast and he started getting ready

Jadon then went upstairs after eating his breakfast and he started getting ready

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(Jadon outfit)

He then came back downstairs and started getting Azai and ace ready

He then came back downstairs and started getting Azai and ace ready

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