Coincidence or Not? • 002

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Hello again.

I'm sure you are wondering how my life is doing now, It could be worse. I was currently amongst a crowd at Rebuplic City, watching the apperant Avatar introduce themselves.

Turns out the Avatar was the girl that saved me from drowning, coincidence right? Is this what fate was? It doesn't matter, I don't believe in that stuff anyways.

I had to figure out the year and then turn back to my normal time, an easy mission.

The shutter sound of cameras invaded my ears as I moved closer to the front of the crowd, Korra, as she introduced herself seemed pretty nervous at all the attention she was getting.

I understand that feeling.

I looked around before seeing an old lady, she seemed like she was be able to answer my question without causing me any troubles.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned to look at me with a warm smile, "Hello young man." She greeted, her walking cain clasped tightly in her hand.

"Hello, do you mind if i asked you a question?"

"Of course young man. What is your question?"

"What year is it?" I finally ask, she chuckled at my question. "Young man, the year is obviously 0̴̳͔̃̓̇0̵͕͆̆0̵̙͈̣͒͠0̵͕̞̽ͅ."



"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" I gently ask the older woman.

"I said the year is 0̴̳͔̃̓̇0̵͕͆̆0̵̙͈̣͒͠0̵͕̞̽ͅ." She says once more.

I forced out a smile and said thank you to her before she waved me goodbye and disappeared into the crowd.

I usually don't swear but, what the actual fuck. Whoever's shitty idea it was to mess with me like this, you better stop.

This cannot be happening.

I quickly found my way out of the crowd and began to ask around what the year was to people who looked approachable, it was the same glitched answer I got everytime, I tried to get some people to write it down and there was nothing there once I looked.

If this was some kind of joke, I didn't find it funny at all.

I wasn't going to let this ruin my goal of fixing things, obstacles that try to ruin my plans are really nothing new to me.

But first, food.

I trotted through the bustling market, there was varieties of food that I wasn't used to eating all around, I didn't have any money on me, it seems like the currency on this time period was different as well. I decided I would just apport a medium-sized rock with a meat kabob I saw over at a stall I passed by at the end of the day.

It filled me up pretty nicely.

Now back to the othet matters at hand, It was already night time. I needed to find a place to stay since things weren't exactly looking up right now, I couldn't sleep on the streets, it was far too dangerous. It seemed this city, Republic city, was known for a lot of criminal activity.

I would be the perfect target.

I stood near the water, a large building that was across the water was in my line of sight, it was bright and it definitely stole everybodys attention, it glowed with yellow lights, giving it a golden glow.

A large bridge was connected to it and I saw a lot people walking towards and into the building.

Was this one of those places that was important in this story? I felt drawn to it. I used my clairvoyance to scout out any possible entrances but found something else instead.

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