Love troubles • 010

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Mako held me hostage.

Or he just held my hand, pretty much the same thing.

We strolled down a path just near a small river near the city, the sun now fully setting as orange hues faded into grey ones. The glowing lights littered around the river in a precise order. Small rocks crunched under our feet, and the wind danced in the strands of our hair under the rising moon.

I quite enjoyed it, it was quiet.

It would have been even better if Mako wasn't here.

"Crazy view right?" Mako muttered, reffering to the moon.

"I guess." I replied bluntly. Trying to quickly escape his grasp before he dragged me further down the path. A herd of ducks could be seen swimming. "They are so adorable!" Mako practically squealed, a big grin on his face and a certain glint in his eye.

I raised an eyebrow, suprised this side of him even existed. I'd expect this from his brother.

He looked-

Yeah, no.

"Look that one kind of has the same expression as you." He said, pointing to a duck with a blank expression.

I stared at it for a bit. "I don't see it."

"It totally does, look," He put on a blank expression and stood face to face towards me, while still holding my hand, "Same face."

I NEARLY smiled. There's no way I look like that 24/7, right?

I'd have loved to continue indulging in the delusions of seeing cute animals and just being happy they existed.

Although, reading their minds changed my whole perspective on these animals growing up.

"(QUACK)Look at that guys hair, it's so pink." One of the little ducks commented.

"(QUACK) He looks stupid." Another duck commented.

My eye twitched.

"Yeah, I'm going home." I grumbled. I pulled my hand away from Mako.

"Hey wait up, there's something I need to-"

I quickly summoned a wave from the river and used it to transport my self across it, creating a giant splash on purpose and disappearing from Makos line of sight.

I now hate ducks.


I found my way back to the shop, the mini garden in front of the entrace already bringing back memories cause a little smile to form on my face as I was opening the doors.

"Welcome to Scroll Palace, where the right scroll might just be waiting for you!"

I raised an eyebrow, confused at the random girl now working at the counter.

"Is Mr. Beifong around?" I questioned, having pressing issues at hand.

"Mr. Who?" The girl asked in confusion.

"The owner of the shop? Old man?"

"Oh! He sold the shop to me and my grandmother!"

I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as I turned around and quietly exited the shop. I'm not sure what I expected, she was the type to do this type of thing. Avoid her responsibilities and hide away in God knows where.

It shouldn't affect me where she is.

At least that's what I hoped.

Yeah, it doesn't affect me. I took a deep breath and teleported back to the air temple in a hurry.

Strolling across the training grounds, I saw Korra performing a series of Martial art movements, each one filled with anger and malice and a string of hatred lingering in her gaze. I could practically guess were it was directed towards.

Although, I'd expect someone of her caliber to be more mature about this issue. Perhaps my existence rips away the importance of her holding the Avatar title. Something like that doesn't affect me, yeah it doesn't.

I'm the cold 17 year old who is socially inept and has a weird family. I'm the cold 17 year old who thinks all his classmates are weird, I'm the cold 17 year old who got myself into this situation because I wanted a damn dessert, I'm the cold 17 year old who doesn't know what to do anymore.

But yeah, it doesn't affect me. Nothing does.

"Can you stop staring at me?" Korra broke my out of my train of thought.

"I was just observing."

"Go do that somewhere else. I'm your competition, not your mentor." She did a couple of more martial art movements incorporating some fire bending into it occasionally.

"Korra this is not a competition."

She suddenly stopped. Sweat dripping from her forehead and her clothes damp. Maybe she went for a swim earlier?

"You really don't get it do you Kusuo? If one of us mess up, the other person has to fix their mistake. You clearly don't understand how much this title means or else you wouldn't treat this lightly but I guess you're not the type to hold things dear to you." She snapped at me.

"I don't want to be the Avatar." I replied.

"Then leave! Disappear! So I won't have to clean up your messes in the future!" She yells, thunder rumbled loudly in the sky following her outburst.

She moved closer to me, "You're nowhere near my level. I've already mastered three elements already almost at the fourth, go live a normal life in the country side or something. Get married, have a wife, kids. Kindly get the fuck out of my face."

She spat with venom laced into her words. "I'm just saving everyone from a rookies future mistake." She finally finished, her chest heaved up and down. I could tell she felt proud of herself to finally get that all out.

"What makes you think you won't be the one making the mistakes? What makes you think I won't be the one cleaning up your mistakes?"

"What did you say?" She growls in between her words.

"I was being honest. I guess peace isn't an option at this point. Do your worst Korra." I purposely provoke before I walk away from the tanned female before she can say anymore, going into the building and finding my way to my bedroom in a hurry.

This week literally cannot get any worse. I'm going to sleep and try not to feel guilty about leaving Mako behind once again and practically shoving my way into the main characters story.

Thanks a lot Author, this is awesome.


First 2024 chapter omgg sorry for the late updatee, writers block + I've been thinking of what other stories I might try writing in the future, message me or comment if you have any crossover ideas or other animess to look into!:>

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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