Crazy Old Lady Pt. 3 • 007

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Why was I being forced into this stupid story again?

It was now evening but today was a bit odd though, It was quiet too quiet. Toph had decided to clock in early today, turns out old ladies like her sleep a lot after relentlessly bullying a teenager into earth-bending properly.

I shivered at the thought of her life-lessons while I bended bare footed under the schorching sun.

I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy that experience.

In my grip was a wooden broom, I was lightly and carefully sweeping the store floor. I enjoyed this peace but then again it can be a bit unsettling.

My life isn't exactly the quiet type of life.

I stepped outside of our store to tend to the flowers that were blooming just outside the front windows, my green apron tied tightly around my waist and a watering can in my possesion. Some of these flowers were actually herbs, something Toph said she'd teach me to use properly.

I pulled out the fully bloomed plants and watered the ones still growing, stepping back inside I went to check underneath our kitchen cabinet for the fertilizer.

Oh, we are out of fertilizer.

Looks like I'm making a trip to the store this evening, Toph will kill me if anything happens to her precious babies. I swear she cares about those plants more than me.

Not that I'm complaining.


Luckily the store wasn't too far away, I enjoyed the nice and quiet walk, the streets were illuminating with various street lights, I even stopped at a food stall and got myself a snack.

What a beautiful night.

I was so caught up in my own world I didn't heard the heavy sound of steps running towards me, "KUSUO WATCH OUT!"

I heard a female voice finally yell.


I turned to look back, only to see Korra and Mako on her polar bear dog riding at full speed towards my direction, within seconds I quickly moved out of the way, before she forced her polar bear into a stop.

She hopped off, Mako following along.

Nope I'm out of here.

"Kusuo wait!" Mako reached his hand out.

Please don't talk to me.

"We need your help.." He said in a quieter voice.


I turned around to look at him. "What do you want?"

"I'm pretty sure Bolin got kidnapped by the triple threat triads." Korra informed, sweat dripping down her forehead as she caught her attempted to catch a breath.

Nope, not getting involved. This is definitely apart of the plot in some way.

"I hope you find him, bye."

Time to leave.

"Please Kusuo.." The sound of Mako's voice seemed to find a way to wrap around my heart like a tight ribbon.

What the hell is this feeling? Oh no.

Mako somehow found his way closer to me, his orange eyes were filled with worry and sadness, he took my hand into his before speaking again, "Another bender would really help."

I'm not falling for this sappy shit.

"I'm not as strong as you guys, I can't help you." I insisted, even though I watched the way Makos face morphed into an expression of sadness.

My heart felt distraught.

This is all because of the author and not because I have feelings for this character!

"Let go of me." I pulled my hand away from the other male, leaving before any of them had the time to protest. I'm not getting involved, it wasn't my fight.


To say I felt bad would be an understatement but I might have just saved myself in the long run.

The less I intefere with the plot, the faster I can get out of here I think.

Anyways, I was doing some calligraphy and drinking some tea at the shop. It was nice to pass time without the blind old lady on my case every day-



"Yes Toph." I groaned out.

She walked into the room with a cheeky smile, I didn't like that smile one bit. "So, I came to the conclusion that you are more than ready to move on to the next element." She said to me in a happy tone.

"And what made you come to that ridiculous conclusion?" I asked to the older woman.

"I...." she dragged out, "slept on it." She finished with a smile.

I now hate old people.

"Well, I think you are wron-" I got interuppted when a brush collided with the top of my head. "Don't talk back to your elders, you rude rude boy." She continued to physically abuse me with the brush, a few splashes of black ink entering my hair in the process.

"I'm sorry, please stop." I managed to word out during the barrage of hits.

She finally stops, "You'll be training with Korra at the air temple." She crossed her arms.


Training with Korra? Is she insane?

"No wa-"

Another barrage of hits followed right after.

"I said don't talk back to your elders!" She seethed, "I'm sorry, stop!" I yelled out after feeling some ink get into my mouth.

Gross, ew ew.

"Glad we came to an agreement!" She patted my back repeatedly, each pat feeling like a painful slap.

I hate this place....

God take me away, I'm ready to accept my faith-

"I made you some pudding by the way, don't know which type you like but I tried my best." She stood up and walked towards out counter, grabbing a bag.

Nevermind God, maybe next time.

Old people actually aren't that bad.

As a matter of fact how are you doing? Yes, you reading this book, how's life?

"You are way too happy because of some pudding." Toph chuckled after feeling the change in my heart rate.

Who wouldn't be happy because of pudding? Well maybe certain people with texture issues or people that don't like pudding in general but, who cares?

I'm going to enjoy this, bye for now.


Last part of Crazy old lady sub-plot for now!

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