Unprofuckingfessional ass...

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*Broward Health Medical Center*

May 18th, 2016


I woke up to an empty hospital room, all alone and quiet. I wondered where x had gone, and how long he'd been gone, maybe he decided that he didn't wanna be here anymore; but that was very understandable, coming from me at least. why would anyone want to help me with the state of mind I'm in. as I sit and get lost in my head someone knocks on my room door then comes in a few seconds later... it was the same melanin nurse that came in a few days ago. As she walked further into my room I seen that she had paperwork with her, I'm guessing they were my discharge papers for me to go home. That makes me wonder how long I've been out bc it's already been two days. Hi how you feeling today? Nurse Thomas said as she walked over looking at my heart rate, and water bag. I'm doing good actually, uhm how long have I been asleep for? I said while picking at my fingers. Oh!? You've been out for almost a day or two from the meds we put in your arm, nothing to worry about it's completely normal but I recommend getting fluids and solids in your system before or after you're discharged from the hospital, you know just so when the meds wear off you won't be so fatigue deprived and or weak. The nurse said as she sat my papers down to wash her hands, before coming to take the tubes that was hooked up to me, out.

She finished detaching the bloody tubes from me, then started to unwrap my left arm and right wrist. As she completely unraveled the bandage to replace them; I finally saw that I had stitches running along my arms, two big ones across my upper left arm and one big one straight across my right wrist. I haven't even felt the pain in them mostly because I was used to the feeling of this, or it was just because the meds making my scarred flesh numb. As I dissociate in my mind about my own body; the nurse says something cutting me off my thoughts, but I couldn't quite hear her at first. Did you hear me sweetie? The nurse said as she got done wrapping my arms in the black bandages, then stepping aside to talk. Uhm no I'm sorry can you repeat? I said as I sat against the soft pillows. I had said these should heal in a minimal of a month or two, if you take care of them correctly then it'll be a shorter healing time. we gave you opioids for the pain and a low dosage of morphine tablets with ointment cream for the swelling and healing process. She said as she sat in the doctors rolling chair and began writing things down. I didn't respond but just nodded to indicate that I understood, I then look to my right to see my phone plugged up with my clothes sitting beside it.

I reach for my device and powered it on connecting to the internet as messages start appearing through for my mom mostly and others from Instagram and other sorts. As I'm reading through the messages of her cussing me out and telling me to come back to the house, I look up to see the nurse leaning back as if she was waiting for someone. Uhm, are you finished with the paperwork? I said from being confused on why she was still here because normally she would've left by now. Oh, uhm yes actually, she said as she adjusted her position and continued to speak. That young man you were with... do you guys happen to have anything going on? She said eyeing me. I looked back at her finally realizing what she had said and who she was waiting on. Very unprofuckingfessional ass lady. I thought; but before I could respond someone else knocked and came in a few seconds later. I couldn't see who it was but by the nurse's nervousness I knew it was X, he peeked his head around the corner, looking at me as he smiled seeing that I was ok and well; I smiled back in response and looked down to see that he had food. Hey, I brought you some food to put in your system, how you holding up love? He said as he placed the food on the table and sat on the side of the bed. I'm doing ok, they're about to discharge me ina few but I already got my paperwork, and my meds are in the medicine room a few floors down. As I'm talking to him, I glanced past him to see the nurse glaring at me but ian gaf, because I wasn't answering her dumb ass question. Ok good you ready to eat or you wanna wait a little longer, he said as he scratched his arm. Oh, uh I'll wait I'm not hungry yet, but I will be ina lil while, I said as the nurse had asked to talk to him outside the room about "me" but Ik for a fact that was a lie, lowkey pissed me off. He obliged as they both got up and left me by myself yet again. I took the moment to look back at my mom's constant messages to see that she texted again but this time she wasn't telling me to come home. "Ok so you wanna read my messages but not respond bitch, you haven't been home in almost three fuckin days, and I bet you out there being the little hoe you are, but I got sum for that. Don't bring yo stupid ass back to this house, or this time ima make sure I kill yo ass. youn gotta worry about yo shit here bc I'm throwing it tf out, and that lil phone you got I'm cutting that off too, so good luck". And with that the messages ended. I couldn't even believe this shit. where tf was I supposed to go and now I really don't got shit to wear, welp kinda seen that coming a lil while ago but throwing my shit out is just doing the most.

I pushed myself out my own head, placing my phone down to see X coming back in the room with the nurse, but no words were exchanged she just grabbed her thing's leaving my paper and disappearing out the room looking hurt. I moved my eyebrows in questioning as he came and sat back down rubbing his face. What was that about? I said as I alr had knew. Man, that lady is weird asf, she wasn't tryna talk to me about you, she was trying to talk to ME, the fucking lady wanted me. He said as he got done rubbing his temples then looking back up at me. Well, shit uh ok. I said as I lightly laughed.

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