just.. lay with me

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*Jahseh's House*

MAY 25th, 2016


I rolled over away from the warm sunken spot in the bed to check my phone, "8:33 hmmm". After I checked the time I rolled back over too see jah already looking at me, although it was dark I could still see him.

"Goodmorning ma", he said in raspy voice. It took me a few seconds too respond because a bitch was soaking.

"G- Goodmorning", I said as I looked away from feeling embarrassed.

"mmm why you stuttering; what's wrong", he said as he shifted then flipped me over, putting me on his lap making me tense up.

"I- idk", I said as my puddle got bigger from him rubbing the inner creases of my thighs, hoping he didn't feel it.

"You sure??" Because it's cute when you nervous mama, he said said he grabbed me by my ass scooting me up, making me bite my lip to conceal myself.

"Mhmm right, you know I feel that right", he said now giving me booty rubs.

"F-feel what?", i said looking down at him.

He moved his hand, sticking out his index finger and placed it on my cooter making me gasp.

"Exactly." he said as he chuckled

I was too embarrassed to respond as he flipped us over, now making him on top. He slowly got between my legs and kissed me as he grabbed my neck making me moan, he shifted down to my neck to kiss it but eventually paused from something shaking me and him telling me to wake up.

"Jaylo.. wake uppp", he said as he continued to look down at me.

I finally snapped out of my wet dream, opening my eyes then turning over to face jahseh seeing him propped up on the bed with two plates in his hands. hMmm I made breakfast, how'd you sleep? He asked. I then stretched and sat up looking down at the steaming food in front of me. I slept fine, a bit indulging so it was good. I said as I looked up at him to see him already looking at me. what? I said with a frowned smirk., looking away and grabbed one of the plates, and dug in.

2:46 pm


It's finally been a few more hours of us slouching around and getting high off old roaches and small cluster's of weed..we were beyond zooted. Me and jah were currently watching tv in his bedroom when he turned to me and said something.

"Are you ready?" He said as he turned facing his whole body to me.

"Ready for what??" I said squinted my eyes and laughed.

"Ready for you to tell me what's really going on with your parents.." he said as he was now looking me dead in my face.

I sat there for a few seconds processing what he had just said... i was confused, more of in a stuck wellbeing- only because i didn't wanna believe what he ask me plus I didn't know what to say nor did i know where to start.

"Uhm...what??" I said as im really starting to realize what he just asked me. All he did was tilt his head at me waiting for me to start, i begin to sit up from my position, never breaking eye contact.

"Why?" I said.

"Why what?" He said as he frowned his eyebrows.

"...why ask me about my parents?" I said still looking at him

I said as i begin to blink from his stare becoming unhinging from how calm he was, and i knew he noticed that. "I don't like that"

"Because..getting into a meaning and understanding of each others past will help us understand each other deeper...deeper than what you think, we'll be able to connect soulingly; you tell me your past... and i'll tell you mine." He said with now hopeful droopy eyes.

"Why do you trust me so much?.. let alone let me into your house to stay with you?.., i was a whole stranger- well hell I'm technically still a stranger if you put it a certain way. Why out of all people, you took me in and saved me?" I said as i could slowly feel kyla coming out.

He hesitated before scooting closer to me for what reason i don't know, but it's something he's not telling me.

"look.. you know how we met at that bando that night?". he asked so suddenly. "Yea?.. what about it?" I asked as i started to feel uneasy by the second. "That isn't the only time we've saw each other jay. Ive been around you more than you realize it but you seemed to never pay close attention to it." He said. "Jah what the fuck are you talking about? Ive never seen you around me before except for that night". I said as I eased off the bed. "You sure??. The bando, the park, you walking to and from school, that 7/11 up the street. You're literally everywhere i am. But you always have those headphones in with a zoned look so i knew you'd never notice me. I felt something was off that night, which is why i followed you... i know it's a lot to process but talk to me." He said as he stood up and came to me. "So that day i was sitting on the swings... that was you that i saw looking at me?, who was that with you?" I said with a pout. "Ski's rabbit lookin ass, but yes that was us.. but if you don't feel comfortable enough to talk to me, then i understand and I'll wait for you to do so". He said as he grabbed my chin locking eyes with me.

"Look jah, it's not that i don't feel comfortable with you, it's the simple fact that I don't open up and vent to nobody but my own mind and personalities, and hell sometimes not even them bc they don't be knowing how to stfu half the time". I said with a little smile. "Them? There's more than one?" He said with an unreadable expression. Yes... there's three, lola, kyla & nani; my personalities." I said looking away from feeling uneasy.

He soon realized that i was uneased and tried to lighten the mood. "So you got the three musketeers don't you?". He said with a silly laugh. "Yes.. uh i guess so.." i said as i let out a giggle. (A/n; if u can make her laugh & giggle, you can make that ahh clap & jiggle😗). "Cmon, just.. lay with me, for a good while" i said as i pulled him over to the bed. "Alrightyyyyy lets GET IT" he said.

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