Feel at home..please

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•Broward Health Medical Center•

May 18, 2016


A few hours had passed by from us just talking and laughing together, she was now asleep, which I'm pretty sure is from her meds wearing off, but prolly not yet. I sat and watched her sleep quietly; mainly focusing on her steady breathing, and still body... I was intrigued with her. Although I didn't want to be, she made it impossible. See the thing is I had always seen her either sitting at the park or walking around at night towards the bando that I would normally go to, to smoke, be alone, or self-harm. I never told anyone about the self-harm part, makes me look selfish and cowardly for even doing it in the first place, but the place of the blade is where I find myself finally being able to feel something other than numbness in itself- so I was fine with it.

After a few more minutes of me admiring her, I jet my eyes down as I see her continuously shift in the bed, finally waking up. Hey, how was Ur nap? I asked as I set my eyes back on her. Omg!? Did I go to sleep on you...? I'm so sorry, she said as she harshly rubbed her face. No, it's alright as long as Ur getting Ur rest then I'm fine with that; are you ready to get changed? I said standing up and stretching. Uh yea I just have to use the restroom first, she said as she flipped the covers back, and slowly got out the bed. I quickly went over to help her so she wouldn't piss herself from moving too slow. How are your arms? I asked as I let her go by the bathroom door to go grab the clothes, I brought her. they're fin- uh... what Chu doing my clothes are over there? She said as she pointed at the folded ones on the table. Ik but I made a quick stop to grab you some clothes and one of my hoodies., I said as I walked back to her, handing her the clothes.

oh!? Uh you didn't have to do that, she said as she softly smiled. Ik, I said as I sat on the bed and shood her off to change.


I walked in the bathroom, closing it behind me, an used the bathroom before looking at myself in the mirror... "damn I look a mess". I soon jotted to take the hospital gown off, I paused in the mirror once more, looking at my slightly bruised body in disgust. It made me want to cry but nothing came out, so I sat there for a few minutes before being interrupted by a few knocks. Yo you ok in der? Jah said from the other side. Yea just zoned out for a lil, I'll be out ina sec. I said as I moved towards the clothes, see that he got me some checkered printed sweatpants, black socks, tan Yeezy slides, black slight crop top and his dark gray hoodie. I slipped it all on as his scent hit my nose. "He smells so good omg", I walked out the bathroom letting my dreads out of its ponytail then shaking my head.

Hey again thank you for the clothes I really appreciate it X, I said as I moved over to grab my belongings and discharge papers. Np ma, you ready to go grab Ur medicine and head out. He said as he got up and put his phone in his pocket. Yes, I said as he nodded then came to grab my hand, walking towards the exit.

————————-*40 minutes later*———————

We walked out the hospital, feeling the warm breeze hit me in the face, I let out a distressed sigh now Tryna figure what Ima do about my mom. Are you alright? He said as his figure stood in front of me. Jah wasn't that tall of a person, only 5'7; is to where I stand 5'5 so there wasn't really a height difference between me and him. Yes, I'm fine just in my head that's all, I said as I put my hands behind my back. mmm, you want to talk about it? He said as he tilted his head at me. Maybe later but not at the moment, I said as I did the same head tilt. He nodded his head as he then held out his hand, mostly for me to grab. I look down hesitantly than grabbing his hand as we made our way to the car...then too his house.

He finally unlocked the door, placing the key on the wall rack beside the door as we first walked in, then moved to the side a little afterwards. Originally I was stunned by the looks of the house- not too big but too small, the inside was fairly nice; mist tan walls with white base strips at the bottom, white soft leather looking couches, with big ass paintings scattered among the walls, quiet surprisingly dude didn't have anything self portraits of himself insight. "His house smells like him with a combination of that really good new car smell. Which in my defense smells HELLA good.

As im stuck deboing my thoughts about his house, I began to see his fingers inching up towards my face, i lowkey thought he was gonna hit my ahh, making me reach up and grab him wrist as I slowly came back to reality. Yo? You good? He said as raised his eyebrows at me frowning. Yes I said as I smiled and let go of his wrist. Mmm ok well this is da crib, the bathroom is right beside my bedroom; lemme show you where it is cmon. We said as he walked off with me not far behind. "Ok so 3 bedroom- 2 1/2 bathrooms,'mmmm ok". He walked into his room that looks the opposite from the whole house itself very... introverted, I like it. Black walls huh? I said as I sat down on the soft bed beside him. Uh yea it makes my room a lot darker when it's night out, he said as he took his shoes off. You ever wonder bout any spiders or anything- because a black walled room tends to attract more bugs than usual; mainly spiders. I said as I took up to put my bag in a corner. Huh? Nah I haven't really but, just because you said that I will be checking now; ima let you settle in and make yourself comfortable, just feel at home..please. He said about to walk out but I stop him; where will be sleeping, I said as I played with the hems on my- I mean his hoodie. With me, he said as he softly smiled and walked out leaving me in the room by myself.

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