Preference #50: You buy a dog together

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Niall: “I can’t decide they are all so cute!” you say. You and Niall were picking out a dog together from the shelter. “Just choose one babe, it doesn’t matter just hurry. I’m hungry.” he replied. You glared at him then jumped in his arms when a dog barked at you. Niall laughed and pointed to the dog and said that he wanted it. Taking a second look, it looked too cute to pass up. “Please (Y/N) I want him!” Niall whined then flashed you a huge grin. How could you resist? After kissing him and telling him yes, you bought the dog and filled out the paperwork. Now you just had to decide on a name…

Harry: “Babe wake up. We have to go get our dog.” Harry nudged you and finally you sat up. After all you weren’t a morning person. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, you were finally on the way to the breeder. You talked the whole way about what you should name it. Harry said you should name it Mia for a girl and Charlie for a boy. But you said Charlie was too common of a name for a dog. In the middle of your debate you arrived and soon tons of dogs were all around you. How were you ever going to decide?! When you turned around to look for Harry he was holding the cutest puppy you had ever seen. You guys decided on the little one and in the car you came up with the perfect name. “Harry? What about Tiffany?” He looked at you then started laughing. “What? If you don’t like it just tell me.” you said. In between laughs he managed to tell you that he was thinking of the same name. 

Liam: “Love, I have surprise for you when I get there!” Liam told you. He was visiting you from tour. He had been given four days to do whatever he wanted to and he’d chosen to spend them with you. Awwww! You were really excited. You hadn’t seen him for three weeks and you were getting really lonely. You stared out of the window till you saw a car pull up. He jumped out of the car and you ran straight into his arms. After some hugging and kissing you remembered that he had a surprise for you. “Babe, you said you had a surprise for me?”he nodded and went back to his car and came back holding a Great Dane puppy. “I remember you telling me how lonely you were and I thought he would help. I also remember that you’ve always wanted a Great Dane.” he said. How cute was he? He got a dog for the both of you. He’s a keeper.

Niall: “Niall lets go!” you yelled. “Coming love!” he replied. You two were going to a charity event for animals with his band. After a short twenty minutes you had finally arrived at the animal shelter. The band was going to be vets for the day take care of the animals. When the day was over you were to sad to go. One dog was so small and sick that if someone didn’t adopt it, it would die. “Niall I’m not leaving till we get that dog!” you protested. After looking at the dog then you he sighed and agreed. “Yay!” you said and ran into his arms. “I love you (Y/N).” he said. 

Zayn: “Are you sure you want to do this?” You guys were about to buy a dog together. You were excited and a little nervous. After all, it was a big step in the relationship. “Yes. Im sure.” you replied. You guys then walked hand in hand into the animal shelter. After looking at all of the dogs you just couldn’t decide. “I don’t know which one I want.” you told him. He just chuckled and kept looking at the cages. He stopped in front of one cage with the name Sunshine on it. He looked at the dog then at you and said, “This is the one. I just know it.” You looked at him blankly. When did your boyfriend become a dog whisperer? Oh well. “Okay if you say so. One question. How’d you know that this one is the one?” you asked. “She kept looking at you. The other dogs didn’t, she just stared at you and looked liked she wanted your attention.” he said. You laughed and pulled the dog and him towards a worker. 

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