Preference #93: He's Having A Dirty Dream & You Tease Him

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Liam: You stirred in the dark room, when the bed shook lightly. Liam was lying across the bed, small snores leaving his mouth, brown eyes fully closed, eyelashes resting in his cheekbones. “Liam?” you whispered, seeing his trembling figure, thinking that he had a nightmare. “Babe, oh, babe that feels good,” he mumbled, before groaning to his pillow, twitching around, making the bed sheets wrinkle. “Mmh, babe take more, please Y/N, ohh, say my name,” small grunts left his mouth when his head fell back, revealing his popping neck veins. “Oh my god,” you snorted, rolling your eyes when you realized what was going on. “Ssh babe, I’m trying to sleep,” you whispered annoyed, poking his rib, only making him moan louder. You giggled, shaking your head to the sleeping boy next to you. His bulge was noticeable, making you huff in the dark room. “You’re lucky that I love you,” you whispered to his ear, chin brushing his stubbly face. You smirked, biting his birthmark before sliding your hand down to his boxers. He left a low grunt when you started to pump him slowly. You giggled, sliding your finger over his swollen tip, making his brown eyes shoot open, breath hitching his throat. “Liam,” you breathed to his neck, making him shiver and ache his head back to the pillow. “I’m sorry I woke you,” he panted, trying to not cum under your touch. “I’m not,” you smirked, turned on by his body’s reactions under you, “I’m not sorry at all.”

Zayn: You sighed, turning another page of your book, trying to figure out how the main character would get away with her trouble. Zayn was already sleeping on his belly, black haired head resting on a pillow, coffee brown eyes closed and tattooed arms hugging his pillow when you weren’t pressed against his body. A small whimper made you lift your gaze from the book and look at Zayn, whose lower lip was trapped between his lips, while he whimpered again. You knew exactly what it meant when he was like that, all soft and vulnerable. “Zayn,” you giggled, kissing his cheek, trying to get him wake up and cool himself off, but his eyes stayed close, long eyelashes tangled to each other. His legs twisted under the covers, kicking your legs lightly, making you muffle a laugh. “Zaynie, Zaynie boy,” you cooed, putting your book aside, starting to slide your hand on his spine. You started from his neck tattoo, trailing all the way to his boxers, stopping on the edge of the material. His groans got louder, eyes still closed when you smirked, turned on by his spontaneous grunts. Normally he tried to hold them back, not sure would you like them. Your breath tickled his skin when you landed your moist tongue to his salty skin, following his spine, all the way down. “Boo,” he growled, opening his eyes, staring at your devilish smirk with his tired eyes. “Show me what you dreamed off,” you whispered to his neck, making his skin go goosebumps. “Gladly,” he murmured, flipping to his back, dark grin on his stubbly face.

Harry: You groaned frustrated, hearing your how your ringtone pierced the air. “Let me sleep,” you whimpered, eyes half closed when you woke up from your deep sleep, reaching the buzzing phone. “Damn Harry,” you sighed before answering to your touring boyfriend. “You need to have a damn good reason to this call, Styles, say that you’re missing a leg or something,” you groaned to the phone, running your hand through your messy sleep hair. “Sorry Kitten,” Harry chuckled deeply, making your heart beat faster even when you were half asleep and mad at him. “I just…Um, wanted to hear your voice, that’s all,” he mumbled with a small laugh, making you roll your eyes. “Yea, right, it’s four a clock, blurt it out,” you rasped, still annoyed how he had woken you up. “Um, I saw a dream..,” he said deeply, voice lighter than usually, like he’d hide something. You groaned, falling backwards to your bed, eyes closing when it hit you, “Did you call me because you had a dirty dream?” You heard a gasp, and a bit hesitation before your boyfriend’s low voice filled the air again, “I’m sorry kitten. I just miss your touch and all,” You shook your head, smirk appearing to your face. “Mmh, tell me more, Haz..,” you grunted, sliding your own hand to your pants, smirking.  A slow moan escaped your mouth, making Harry’s breath tremble. “Kitten are you..,” he asked hesitating, voice shaking. “Oh god Harry,” you repeated, fingers rubbing circles inside you, making your eyes roll back. “Fuck,” he breathed, gulping, making you giggle, before closing the phone, turning it off. “Thanks for letting me sleep Harold,” you mumbled to his picture on your night table, before shutting your eyes, celebrating your victory.

Louis: “Shit,” he groaned, hands clutching the bed sheets, brown haired head aching back when he left another moan to the air. You stood in the doorway, eyes locked to your friend who was sleeping, not so peacefully, in his bed. “Oh shit, fuck,” he moaned, making you raise your eyebrows before crossing your arms to your chest, glaring at his direction. It was bad enough to be in love with your best friend, but this… “C’mon Louis,” you sighed, turning around in the doorway, acid tears burning in your throat, “That’s not fair anymore.” You took a step away of his bedroom, deciding to leave his house in silence even though he had invited you over. “Y/N,” he screamed, making you jump and turn around. First, you thought he was woken up, but his eyes were still closed, sweat running on his tattoos, sticking his tank top against the muscular chest. “Lou?” you asked confused, peaking your head back to the room, seeing how he arched his back, leaving toe curling moan to the air, “Shit Y/N.” You stared at him for a second, heart beating fast and disbelief ringing in your ears. “Louis,” you said loudly, trying to get him out of his sleep, but his hands only clutched the sheets when he groaned, “Yea, that’s it baby girl, say my name.” You blushed, poking him with your finger, trying to wake him up, to get real answers… “Louis, LOUIS,” you raised your voice, trying to shake him, but he groaned, making you sigh. “LOUIS TOMLINSON,” you screamed, hitting a pillow to his face, making him shoot up, panting. “Oh, shit Y/N,” he said shocked, looking at your blushed figure next to him, when he tried to hide his boner. “That’s what you said few minutes ago,” you said teasingly, trying to bite your lip so you wouldn’t laugh at the horrified expression on his face. “Well, this is quite embarrassing,” he sighed jokingly, blush on his cheeks. “I’d say,” you giggled, sitting next to him, “But it did sound bloody great.”

Niall: It wasn’t the first or the last time. You had got used to it, never paying too much attention to his low growls next to you, when his sweaty forehead pressed against your neck, breath lingering your skin, but tonight it was different. “Aw, fuckin’ shit,” he moaned, Irish accent thick and full of pure lust. His baby blue eyes were closed, white skin glowing in the dark room, when you laid next to him, eyes open, trying to ignore the always horny boy next to you. His neck was stretched out, veins glowing sweaty in the dim moonlight. You felt a knot in your belly, hearing his muffled moans and silent begs when his sleepy torso turned in imagined pleasure next to you. Your sheets were off; he had kicked them to the floor like every night. He wasn’t a peaceful sleeper, making you normally fall to a dead deep sleep, but now you couldn’t just close your eyes. You cuddled against his chest, nose near his chesthair, hands shivering on his rock hard biceps. “Yeh, princess, that’s the craic,” he grunted, making you giggle when you felt his dick twist against your leg. “Yeah?” you whispered to his neck, starting to rub his length, making him groan throatily, getting the heat in your stomach explode. “Niall,” you whispered, pinching his tip a little, enough him to wake up. “Ouch princess, that wasn’t nice,” he whimpered, looking at you with his blue eyes. You rolled your eyes laughing, before rolling on your back, spreading your legs, “did you finish me in your sleep?” His eyes got wide, cheeks burning red when he shook his head, hand twisting his neck, “Nah.” You giggled, pulling him on top of you, kissing him hastily. “You will now,” you whispered, making him groan deeply before kicking his calvin klein’s off, “Dat’s my girl.”

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