Preference #65: Stay

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 Zayn: “Just, stay” he blurted out, his hand reaching to hold yours hesitantly “Don’t go”. His pride was high and it took him all inside of him not to let you leave that night as he’s done before, because truth to be told, he never meant all the hurtful words he said and his mind couldn’t rest without knowing if he was going to see you again or if you were going to disappear, so he swallowed all his pride and spoke the words he so badly wanted to say, and after all, if that was the price to have you in his arms that night, it was worth that and a lot more.

Harry: It was one of those nights where he needed someone. One of those nights were mirrors were enemies and alcohol seemed a safe escape, but a escapes never meant a solution, and they will never be, and Harry well knows it, and that is why his hand is holding yours so desperately that night. “Stay, please, stay” He mumbled with a soothed tone, his voice tinted of fear and his eyes pleading for you to say the simple word that would help him through the night, watching you with musky green eyes, hope and fear mixing under his thick eyelashes.

Liam: A deep sigh left his lips as his hand rubs his temple “I don’t want you to go” he started, knowing that this was the right time to let it out, even if he didn’t knew how to explain himself “I want you here tonight, with me” His eyes then were focused on your lips, wanting to have a second taste of your pink lips, which were now slightly pouted, wanting to feel your hands in him and to have the warmness of your body and to hear your voice, to just talk all night long, and more than anything, he wanted your face to be the last thing he see before falling asleep. 

Louis: “No, babe, no, stop it” He mumbled, catching your hand in his and locking his water blue eyes with yours, “I want you to be here, I want you to stay, I want you to be with me” His other hand then tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and he gives an hesitant, small, step towards you, giving your hand a brief squeeze, forming a reassuring small on his lips as his slowly trace your lower lips before caressing your cheekbone in a loving manner “I need you around and I want you o stay with me, please?” He mumbled, biting his lower lip in anticipation.

Niall: “Stay” He blurted out, and the words were out even before he had time to think twice. You froze on your spot, with your shirt midway buttoned and your shoes in your hands “What?” Was all you managed to say, watching as he sighed loudly and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair “I want to make things right with you and I want to make you breakfast in the morning and then take you home and invite you to the movies within the week and- and if you leave I won’t be able to do none of that, so stay, please” He spoke, his eyes filling with hope with every word he said.

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