Preference #109: He Proposes

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Harry: You and Harry go on a brief vacation to Paris. It’s the last night there and you’re sad, you’ve had such a fun time shut up in the gorgeous hotel room with him. But that night he has a special surprise for you. “Get dressed, (Y/N), we’re going out." You do as he said and put on a dress, some heels, and you curl your hair to look all pretty. First, he takes you out to dinner, and even though your feet are already killing you in the heels, he insists that you take a walk. You finally agree because of the adorable puppy dog face he gave you. So you two are walking through the park and he looks like he’s getting nervous; he keeps looking down at his wristwatch and then he starts to walk faster. “Harry, slow down. Just, wait, let me take off my heels." You sit down on a bench and you hear him sigh. He’s probably worried that you’ll step on something with your bare feet. As soon as the shoes are off though, he’s pulling you to your feet and basically dragging you after him. He stops suddenly, looks around, and then down at his watch. You think you hear him swear. “What is it that’s got you so agitated?" He doesn’t answer you, but just continues you’re stroll back to the hotel. It’s not until you’re back in the room and you’re about to change into some more comfortable clothes that he really says anything to you. “Love, will you come out here?" Harry’s standing on the balcony that faces the illuminated Eiffel Tower. You gasp when you walk outside. the full moon and billions of stars are shining down from the sky, revealing the boy of your dreams down on one knee. “I was going to do this earlier, but now’s just as good. (Y/N), since the day we first met, I’ve known you were the one for me. You stole my heart and it will forever be yours. So will you, pretty please, marry me, (Y/N)?" You’re shocked but somehow you manage to nod through your tears and he jumps up to kiss you and place the ring on your finger. 

Liam: "Babe, let’s go out and stargaze." the two of you had just gotten back from a semi-fancy restaurant and all you really wanted to do was sleep now. You two had been at the beach for two days and you discovered that you really like stargazing after he’s asked if we could twice already. “Sure, let me just grab the blanket." A minute later, the two of you were lying on the blanket and staring up at the glowing jewels in the sky. “Look, there’s a shooting star!" You cry sitting up and pointing at it. “Make a wish, Liam." It’s quiet for a moment then you hear him take a deep breath and ask, “What’d you wish for, (Y/N)?" “For a better future. You?" “I wish that I’ll be the one to make your future better? (Y/N)," you turned to look at him and saw that he was holding a sparkling star out to you. “Will you marry me?" he asked. “YES!" you cried out and immediately the tears soaked your cheeks. As he put the diamond ring on your finger, he kissed the tears away. “The dream that you wish will come true!" he sang, making you laugh.

Louis: You and Lou had just gotten home from a date at a carnival. He’d won you a giant teddy bear and a few small things. You were laying on the bed cuddling with the teddy bear when your boyfriend came into the room. “Would you rather cuddle with Mr. Teddy Bear, or your TommoBear?" He asked, leaning over you. “Hmm? Mr. Teddy because I know he won’t try anything." You wink up at him. “Haha, you’re so funny, (Y/N)." Louis collapsed onto the bed beside you. He sighs and it’s one of those where you can tell there’s something on his mind. “What is it, Lou?" He looks over at you, his bright blue eyes shining. “I’ve been thinking recently. You love me right?" you nod. “You want us to be more than this, right?" “Yeah," you agree warily. Where’s he going with all of this. “Well, (Y/N), I love you more than my psycho fans love me, more than Zayn is vain, and more than Romeo loved Juliet. I don’t have a - a ring or anything, but still I was thinking… will- will you marry me, (Y/N)?" He looked so innocent and nervous, his fingers entwined with mine. “Of course, Lou. Of course, I’ll marry you." He smiled and pulled me close to him, burying my face into his chest. “After you get me a ring," I laughed. He got up suddenly. “What? Louis, I was joking!" He disappeared from the room and I heard him walking around out in the living room, so I went out there. “Found it!" He shouted in victory and held up a little plastic ring he’d won me earlier that night. “Now will you marry me, baby?" I laughed and he put the little ring with painted-on black letters spelling out the word taken.

Niall:  All the boys were jumping up and down around you, still excited by their victory. They’d just won for Song of the Year at the Grammy’s. You were all heading into the afterparty and there were tons of camera flashes. You reach for Niall’s hand and he pulls you close by wrapping his arm around your waist. Unexpectedly, he came to a halt outside the door. You went to follow the other boys, but he tugged lightly on your hand to turn me around. What you see when he did that makes you gasp. Your lovely boyfriend of two years was down on one knee, holding a glittering ring up to you. “Princess, I love you so much. There is only one thing that could make this night any better for me. Would you do me the pleasure of becoming my Queen?" He smiled up at you, his cheeks blushing from slight embarrassment in front of all these photographers. You were speechless, there were no words. “Babe? (Y/N)? Please give me an answer." his voice shook nervously. Then you just started nodding, crying and laughing all at once. “Yes!" he stood up and put the ring on your finger while leaning in to kiss you. “All right, Nialler!" the boys came pouring back out of the building. This was the best night ever.

Zayn:  You should’ve seen it coming. You and Zayn were in Florence, Italy. It was one of the most romantic places on Earth. But the thought didn’t even occur to you until that night. You were out somewhere having a picnic, watching the sunset, and drinking wine. He was holding your hand and every now and then he would kiss you. When you were both done eating, you laid down and rested your head on his chest, still watching the most beautiful sunset. His heart was loudly pounding under your ear and it quickened as the sun got lower and lower. Finally he cleared his throat. "(Y/N), I have a question." he ran his fingers through your hair. “Yeah, Zayn?" “Will you marry me, boo?" I sat up and looked down at his deep eyes that were looking at me curiously. “Why?" His whole face changed into a look of total shock. “Oh. Oh. Ummm…." “Zayn," I smiled and put my hand on his cheek. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you, babe." He pulled the ring out of his pocket and slipped it onto my finger. I laid back down with my head on his chest again. “Because I love everything about you, (Y/N)." he whispered.

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