7- Hurting

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Harry stayed with Hedwig the entire night after her attack. He followed her throughout the Forbidden Forest as she hunted and flew around. Nothing in the forest would dare to challenge a dementor, so he knew if any of the larger, nastier creatures decided to try out owl for dinner, he would be there to protect her. Unfortunately, he did have to keep his aura firmly pulled in or he would scare off the mice Hedwig was stalking. He was sick and tired of being cold all the time, but it was worth it to watch over his best friend.

After picking up Jamie the next morning, Harry realized the soulless body wasn't in the state of good health he had been tirelessly trying to get it to for months. Jamie felt heavier than normal and almost feverish. Normally, Harry wouldn't feed from his classmates at breakfast because he didn't want them starting off the day with a lower mood, but he had to that morning. Already, he knew that it was going to be a rough day. Ron and Hermione glanced at him worriedly across the breakfast table while he pulled his scarf closer around his neck and blew on his hands. It might be early October, but it felt like January in the dungeons to Harry.

Harry's sour mood turned slightly better when the owls flew in with the post. "Oh, I completely forgot!" Harry smiled at his two friends and pulled the letter Hedwig had brought him the night before put of his robe pocket (it had passed the sniff test that morning to be worn again). Quickly, he pulled it out of the envelope with the small, red stain on it that Harry couldn't bear to look at for a second longer.

"What's that Harry?" Hermione asked, putting another scoop of eggs onto Harry's plate with concern in her eyes.

"A letter from Snuffles," the dementor smiled wistfully after reading it. He passed it to his friends who read the cramped, scribbles of Harry's godfather:


I hear you have a Hogsmeade weekend coming up. If you haven't made plans to visit Moony's old hangout yet, you really should. It's a good place to go to enjoy a butterbeer and a couple chocolate frogs. Let me know how you are doing.


"Is he saying what I think he is?" Hermione frowned. "That's way too dangerous."

Harry shook his head in exasperation. They just didn't understand. He only did because he had felt the emotions rolling off his godfather in dark, depressive waves. "Hermione, that house is slowly killing him. If he doesn't get out, it'll do what Azkaban couldn't. I'll make sure he's safe," Harry assured her in a whisper. "Sometimes the safest option isn't the healthiest."

Hermione frowned but couldn't seem to come up with another argument. Ron shrugged and handed the letter back. "Just don't forget the meeting for DADA," he reminded. "The twins have spread the word to most of Gryffindor already."

Harry sighed, still not thinking it the best idea he was the one chosen to lead it. "Sure, I'll do that first and then head to see Snuffles."

"Fine," Hermione said thinly, looking at lot like McGonagall in a disapproving way. "We need to head to Care of Magical Creatures now anyway."

The dementor groaned as Ron came to the other side of the table and dramatically pulled him to his feet and pushed him towards the door. "Please, please, no unicorns..." he asked the universe while Ron continued to lead him out to the entrance, chuckling the whole way.


"Mr. Potter," a silky voice stopped Harry as he was walking through the entrance hall of the castle giving him a strong sense of deja vu. "This seems to be becoming a pattern. What may I ask happened this time?" Snape frowned and crossed his arms sternly from a dark alcove Harry had just passed. Did the man hang out there during his free periods to catch students sneaking around, Harry wondered.

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