17- The Perfect Day

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"Mate, you have to be getting better at Potions, right?" Ron sighed as Neville came to collect Harry from where he was sitting by the fireplace with Ron and Hermione for Remedial Potions. "You think you can get out of this soon? Snape can't make you stay in the club forever."

Eir popped up behind Neville. "Nah, we just move people to tutors eventually," the second year smiled at the teen who had never spoken to her before. "Last year I was a tutee, now I'm a tutor."

"Pretty sure I'll never be promoted," Neville said with only good humor and an arm thrown across Eir's shoulders.

"Yeah, Ron, it's like the mafia, once you're in, you're in for life," Harry laughed with a smirk towards his creature friends.

"The what?" The redhead looked really confused.

"Muggle version of the Death Eaters…sort-of," Hermione translated.

"Ah..." Ron still looked confused. "But…isn't it just a club?"

"Hurry, I got news!" Colin Creevey called as he and his brother rushed past the group out of the portrait hole.

Eir sighed loudly. "That kid has so much drama he could power an entire theatre department at Hogwarts."

"Um…that kid is older than you, right?" Hermione asked, looking at the girl in confusion. They had talked a couple times when Harry was hanging around her, but not much.

"Yeah, but I don't have any relationship drama. My family does arranged marriages, and I actually like the bloke I'll eventually marry one day…so much less drama and anxiety on my end," Eir shrugged unconcernedly.

"Wait, what?" Harry looked at her in confusion. "You have an arranged marriage, and you already know about it, at twelve?! Who is it?" Harry looked around as if to see who the bloke was he was going to have to go all dementor/big brother on now.

"That's barbaric!" Hermione growled in indignation.

Eir rolled her eyes in exasperation. "First of all, I'm thirteen. Second, romance isn't super important to my people. I'm not saying we don't love or that my parents don't love each other, but companionship, trust, and loyalty are more important than romance. That's why we know who we'll marry so early, to establish a relationship built on trust and friendship. If he turns out to be untrustworthy or unworthy, I can drop him faster than an ashwinder. Besides, it's not like I plan on getting married until I'm at least twenty anyway. And Harry, chill, he goes to Durmstrang."

"Your people?" Ron asked with a speculative look at her, realizing there must be something going on there.

"Valkyries," the girl said with a fierce grin. "Keep that to yourselves though, if you don't mind. We don't get quite as much prejudice as most other creatures, but I'd still like to have a few more normal years of school before I'm outed."

"Wow, you aren't a myth?" Hermione looked at the girl like she was a new research project.

Harry chuckled and stood to leave; Colin had news. "Hermione, the first thing we learned as we entered this world is that the myths are all true. I don't think there's anything that would really surprise me anymore that it existed."

"Let's go, guys. I want to hear Colin's news," Neville tugged on Harry's sleeve to get him to move. "He's always good for a laugh and a good story."

"Fine…if I must," Eir dramatically groaned as she headed out the door.

"See you all in a bit!" Harry called back over his shoulder.


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