5- Classes

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Harry hadn't had time to get through all the books which might mention dementors he had pulled the night before. However, from the little he had read, and his recent experiences, Harry firmly decided that he should have dropped Care of Magical Creatures like he would have an evil, baby Voldemort that happened to be on fire and shooting poisonous darts from his eyes. As it was, he walked out of the castle like he was walking to a funeral and doing his best to hide behind Ron and Hermione. Professor Grubbly-Plank was filling in for Hagrid while he was away on the super hush-hush mission that no one would talk about in Harry's presence, and by the looks of it, this lesson was going to be a disaster.

Ron concernedly glanced at Harry who was trying to disappear behind his taller friend while the unicorns standing in front of the class eyed the dementor and stamped their hooves. "Er…you heard from Jamie recently, mate?" Ron grumbled as Harry tried to pull him backwards to get more space between them and the angry, horned horses.

"I'm sorry, class. I don't know what in Merlin's good name has gotten into the unicorns today," Professor Grubbly-Plank acknowledged in confusion while she moved between the mystical horses and the students a little more. "They're usually very docile creatures and pacifist to the extreme."

"I don't think unicorns like me," Harry hissed quietly in Ron's ear.

"You think?!" Ron hissed back, becoming more concerned as the unicorns started pacing and kept shooting murderous looks towards his friend and lowering their horns.

"What'd you do, Harry?" Hermione accused when she joined Ron, blocking Harry in concern.

"Nothing! I promise! I've never hurt a unicorn before, I swear!" Harry anxiously squeaked back, loud enough for the unicorns to hopefully hear and stand down. Apparently, that didn't help matters at all. Instead, the two largest horses pushed past Professor Grubbly-Plank, knocking her onto her bum as they rushed towards the dementor in disguise.

Harry would refuse to believe when told later that he squealed like ferret Malfoy as he ran out from behind Ron and away from the charging unicorns. "Don't run in a straight line, zig-zag!" The professor yelled out, as the rest of the class seemed to go from horrified shock to laughter.


"It's a good thing Professor Grubbly-Plank was able to finally hit you with that levitation spell," Hermione sighed as she helped her friend shuffle towards the castle.

"I thought you were a goner there for a minute, mate," Ron shook his head in amused disbelief that his friend had almost been mauled by unicorns.

"Me too, Ron. Me too," Harry grumbled as he held his bleeding arm. "It's not like I ever hurt one of them. That's just rude! I even helped stop Voldie first year when he was attacking them. They should be thanking me instead of trying to shish-kabab me!"

"Harry, that looks worse than when Malfoy was scratched by the hippogriff in third year. We really need to get you to the hospital wing," Hermione inspected the wound as they reached the doors to the castle. The rest of the class were still down by the forest listening to a lecture on unicorns, without the unicorns present, once Professor Grubbly-Plank had persuaded them to return to the forest and leave the fifth-year alone.

Harry really didn't want to go to the hospital wing and have Madam Pomfrey scan him and maybe figure out the whole Harry/Jamie situation. He was bleeding quite a lot though, and Jamie needed medical attention. "Fine," he sighed in resignation, and they made their way through the hallways.

"What in Salazar's name have you gotten yourself into this time, Potter?" A silky voice stopped them from behind in an exasperated tone.

Sighing in resignation once again, Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned to acknowledge their Potions Professor. "He was attacked by a unicorn, sir," Hermione explained. "Professor Grubbly-Plank sent us to take him to Madam Pomfrey."

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