10- Miscommunication

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Harry was immediately grabbed into a bear hug when he stumbled out of the floo into Grimmauld Place. "Good to see you too, Siri!" Harry laughed as he patted the back of the animagus holding onto him for dear life.

"Harry! I'm so glad you're here! We're going to have so much fun!" Sirius beamed before pulling him out of the kitchen and towards the sitting room.

"Harry, good to see you!" Remus glanced up and smiled from where he had been reading a book when the two joined him.

"You too, Pro...Remus," Harry smiled, catching himself.

Sirius was almost vibrating in his excitement. "I have so many plans! After the Order meeting tonight, we're free until Christmas! We're going to decorate and sneak out to go shopping, and I'm going to teach you a crap-ton of spells for your defense club thing, and it's going to be epic!"

"You're not sneaking out, Padfoot," Remus sighed and turned a page in the book he was reading, apparently this was an old argument.

"Of course not," the fugitive winked at Harry where the other man couldn't see him. Harry shook his head and just smiled. He knew he'd be helping his godfather sneak out; he didn't see a way around that one. He didn't know how to help his godfather, but he'd at least keep him safe when he was being reckless.

"Plus, you aren't free. Severus will be in and out brewing potions in the attic for the Order, and everyone is coming over for Boxing Day, and you really should clean since Kreacher has disappeared again," Remus continued, not noticing the silent conversation on the other side of the room.

"Urgh! Snivellus!" Sirius grumbled but seemed to brush it all off. "How's class going with the git, by the way?"

Harry shrugged. He glanced nervously over to Remus, deciding to go out on a limb and take a chance on the man who had only ever been nice to him. "Erm, I got roped into Remedial Potions," he said, looking pointedly at the werewolf. "He's much more chill outside of normal class, and it's been helping some."

As much as Harry studied his face, Remus gave absolutely no indication he knew Harry was talking about the HSMC. The society was the only 'remedial' classes offered though. Sirius snorted and went into a rant about Snape and potions in general. The werewolf just shook his head and smiled at Harry. "I'm glad you're taking your studies seriously. Maybe it'll help you get a good OWL in the subject," he said kindly.

"Yeah..." Harry was so confused. How did Remus not know what he was talking about? Maybe he just didn't want to say anything with Sirius in the room...it seemed strange he'd give no indication at all he knew what Harry was talking about though.

"Oh, hey, look at this!" Sirius grabbed a large, leather-bound journal from an old desk in the corner and plopped it down in front of Harry. "It's my notes for your group you're teaching. It started out on napkins, but it kind of grew from there. Hey, you do plan to teach them all the Patronus Charm, right? It's dead useful against dark creatures, and you can also send messages with them."

"Your patronus is very impressive," Remus added in with a smile. "You should definitely teach it."

Harry looked at the two of them feeling overwhelmed and slowly shook his head, knowing he'd never be able to cast a Patronus Charm again or be in the room when it was being cast. "Er, everyone is at all different levels. I don't think it'd be easy to get them all to learn a high-level charm like that. I think we should stick to more standard defenses."

"Nonsense," Sirius waved a hand. "You got this, plus with all my ideas, you'll have plenty of lessons until the end of the year."

Harry flipped through the book with all kinds of defensive and offensives spells and drills in it. Sirius obviously had a lot of time on his hands. "This is amazing, Padfoot! Thank you!"

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