18- Truant Dementors

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Harry felt like he was hovering in his dementor form even though he was in Jamie the next day he was so happy. His maybe-date had gone so well with Ginny that he was certain they'd do it again. Also, he was able to get a bit of a snack since everyone was so happy about the Hogsmeade weekend. So, all in all that Saturday had been great. Sunday, he was able to get together a pickup quidditch game with most of the old Gryffindor team as well as some younger years and a few random Hufflepuffs. Even though quidditch was still on hold, a pickup game was (so far) not against the new educational decrees. Everyone was certain that it would have been by now if Umbridge were still around.

Harry's team won by a small margin since most of who he had were the younger years that just didn't know how to fly well yet. They still won though since Harry really couldn't lose sight of the snitch anymore, and the little ones were happy. Now that the mood of the students was steadily rising, he'd recently started in on the House Elf List of Retribution (what he called it in his head anyway), He had a lot of names to get through and bad days to cause, and some on the list he got a lot of glee in enacting house elf vengeance on.

After lunch, Harry ran directly into Ron who'd stopped in a dead halt in the entrance hall. "Oof! Sorry," Harry apologized as he looked around his taller friend to see what caused the surprise.

"Uh oh," Ron muttered with dread.

"You can say that again," Harry added but with glee in his voice.

Drake and Ronnie were standing by the doors to the castle, flanked on either side by a witch and a wizard in auror robes. Scrimgeour was hurrying over to them, in a dignified way, from the Great Hall. "May I ask what's going on here?" He ignored the two dementors in disguise to ask the aurors. Ronnie grinned and gave Ron a little wave from where he was standing, earning himself a glare from Drake.

"We found these two students wandering Diagon Alley this morning," the witch auror informed the High Inquisitor with much deference. "They must have snuck away during your Hogsmeade weekend."

"They were carrying Gryffindor robes," the wizard auror handed a rucksack back to Drake who looked extremely irritated that they'd been rounded up on their mission as truant students.

"What do you two have to say for yourselves?!" Scrimgeour admonished them. "This is beyond a breach of school rules, and immensely dangerous!"

Harry guessed they were both holding in eye rolls at that. "We're sorry, sir," Drake began. It was pretty clear he had no clue who this wizard was he was talking to. "I promise it'll never happen again." Harry valiantly held a snort of laughter back at that one.

"They're in so much trouble," Hermione mumbled behind him.

"Er, 'Mione…you do recognize them, right?" Ron asked with a surprised head tilt since she had been at breakfast with them when they first met the two dementors.

"They look familiar…are they the dementors?" She gasped in a low tone as who they were finally sunk in.

"Duh," Ron chuckled. Hermione was much better at books than people. "It doesn't matter how much trouble they get in; it's not like they plan to hang around."

"Their bodies should be about to disintegrate or fall off or whatever golems do as well," Harry remarked in a whisper.

The scene by the door continued with a long lecture from Scrimgeour and threats of expulsion and a promise to write their parents (who they said very proudly were Mina and King Smith who lived in the Caribbean). "We're obviously adopted," Drake remarked with an eye roll this time as the aurors looked between the dark skinned and the Asian teen.

"I want both of you confined to your dorm for the rest of the day and to meet with your Head of House as soon as classes are over tomorrow for punishment," the headmaster growled, obviously thinking dealing with them wasn't worth his time.

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