14- Plan D

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Warning: This chapter contained torture, blood and attempt at rape. Proceed with caution. There is a warning before the scene starts and an 'all clear' after it ends.

Hermione was fast and good at what she did. Harry had the coins for the HSMC within a week spelled with a protean charm so that whoever had one could use it to call for help if needed. It would display the person's name and location; they just had to hold the coin and think of it. Hermione had even spelled one for Harry slightly different so that it could send out a message to all the other coins. Harry got the feeling she thought he was going to send them to the dementors since he hadn't told her what they were for, so she wanted to make sure he could ask for help when needed.

Harry had the whole lot of them in his robe pocket as he nervously made his way to Remedial Potions. Nervous is how he did everything now. It had been a week since Umbridge had taken over, and he hadn't gotten a detention yet. He could see the calculating look in the evil woman's eye though, so he knew it was coming, and whatever it was wouldn't be good. He figured that Umbridge might have a suspicion that he had done something to her blood quills, so her hate of him seemed to only increase. Drake and Ronnie were due to arrive in just a few days, and he didn't want any extra attention on himself when he needed to sneak out to meet with the other dementors, or Merlin forbid, be in detention then.

He did make it safely to the meeting of the HSMC thankfully. Harry wasn't two steps into the room before he realized big something was going on. Matthew was sitting with his head on a table and David and Brook were on either side of him trying to comfort him. Colin Creevey was sulking in a corner with Dennis and Aceline keeping him company. Draco looked like he was going to burst out laughing while Graham and Neville shot him disapproving looks. Then, Hestia, Ginny, Kara, and Aurora seemed to be ganging up on Professor Snape in the corner over something, and he was looking rather put out. Lastly, Bartholomew, Aurelius, and Eir were sitting off to the side munching on snacks and looking like they were thoroughly enjoying the drama.

"Soo…do I even want to know?" He asked the group of spectators tentatively.

"Matthew finally found his mate," Eir answered with a smile and a chuckle.

"Yeah, it wasn't someone expected," Bartholomew continued. "The girls all think Severus should be helping him woo her, and Draco made some inappropriate comments that would have gotten him detention in any other setting."

"It's epic, mate," Aurelius nodded with a wide grin. "You should've gotten here earlier."

"Wow, yeah," Harry took out three of the coins. "I needed to get these first." He then went on to explain how they worked to the group's surprise and relief that they had a way to get in touch with each other.

Harry went to the Malfoy group next. "So, what did he say?" Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked at the blond.

"Er, did you hear? Matthew's mate is a professor," Neville coughed awkwardly. "Draco made some comments about ways to get good grades, if you catch my drift."

Harry blushed and chuckled. "Actually, no, I didn't hear that. Merlin…it isn't McGonagall, right?!"

"Hell no!" Graham protested vehemently. "Professor Sinistra, she's only about six years older than Matthew, and not terrible looking. Definitely not McGonagall! Don't even put that image in my head!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself," Harry laughed as he handed an unrepentant Draco and the rest their coins.

"Harry…I already have one of these," Neville remarked when he got his.

"No, these are a little different," the dementor went on to explain the coins to this group as well. "They're just a safety measure in case Umbridge finds out about any of us," he ended with.

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