Chapter 1

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Hi guys! This is my first book and I'm super excited about writing it! I want to thank bibliophilebabe for designing the cover for this book since she is an expert on this stuff. Go check out her books on her page :). I want to say sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes. Also I want to say that I don't know if I will be posting regularly sine I'm a newbie at writing, but I hope I can keep it up. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it!


"Can I just wear my sweatpants?" I whine, dragging a brush through my knotted, brown hair.

"Of course, we're just going to pick up Noah," my mom responds "Hop in the car."

I silently thank my mother and pull myself into the car.

Noah is my blonde haired, bushy tailed, annoyance of a big brother. It was from him that my family got the idea to pick up our perfectly perfect life and ship it half way across the world so that my brother could train to become what he and I have always wanted to become: a professional soccer player.

I'm not complaining about the soccer part of the deal; now I would get to train in the top facilities on the top teams, but what really sucks is that everything that I have ever known was tossed out the door when we made the trip from a town named Colley, California to the big, bustling city of London, England.

I have yet to find any friends in the past month that I've lived here and it's starting to get lonely.

I glance down at my phone which is buzzing like it's having a spasm. Of course, it's my two best friends from Colley; Linsey and Bella. We have texted each other almost everyday since the move and my day can't get any better when I'm texting them because they always make me seem like I'm not located thousands of miles away from them.

Linsey and Bella have been my best friends since kindergarten, when they both helped me up from a mud pile that I had fallen into. Well, fallen into wouldn't quite cover it. A boy had pushed me into it and when I had just gotten new shoes. Those shoes only lived for a day. Rest in peace sparkly pink converse. I laugh at the memory. Ever since then Bella, Linsey, and I have been inseparable, until now.

Pretty much anything that reminds me of home makes me happy, even that disgusting poster in Noah's room with a spider coming out of a clown's eye reminds me of the familiar location on the back of his door all the way back in Colley.

Im pretty much dying to see any one or any thing that is from home. Yes, I have the severe homesickness disease.

I'm catching up with the latest gossip in Colley High School when I look up and find my mothers black jeep in a parking space in front of the soccer fields that my brother practices at.

He glances up and spots me and my mother, flashing us a cheery smile. I look back down at my phone which has received 30 texts from the time it took for me look up and survey my surroundings. Geez, they could be rapid texters when they were fueled on gossip.

Linsey is a total fashionista and full time gossip girl, she knows everything about everyone in our, well their, high school. Let's just say no boy has tried to cheat on any girl in our grade since Linsey showed up. She has the power to get any information out of anyone, using just the power of her words, which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. She has bleach blonde hair that travels just past her shoulders and is often styled differently to match her outfit. Her dull blue eyes are brought out by her fair skin.

Bella is more reserved than Linsey and is not as social, but with the three of us together, she can be a total ball of energy. Her shiny, caramel colored hair flows all the way down to her mid-back and is straight as a bone while her green eyes sparkle against her tanned skin.

But one thing Bella and Linsey both have is their fashion sense. They both can put any number of outfits together using their "eye for fashion" as they call it. Me, I do not have their fashion sense. When I was living back in Colley, we three were the best dressed in the whole school (perks of your parents being surgeons) thanks to the help of Linsey and Bella. But ever since the move, my fashion sense has become more relaxed, and in an obvious example, is why I left the house in my comfiest sweatpants and my hair up in a crazy messy bun.

I catch up on the story of Jackson Cole and his amazing football catch and glance up to see my brother ending practice by talking to the coach and look around his new teammates. I have memorized a few of their names; Lucas with the shaggy blonde hair on the right doing push-ups, Ben juggling intently, Carter on the far left practicing shooting, and Owen and Nathan in the middle who appear to be in the middle of an argument.

I sigh. Boys will be boys.

Noah is finally done talking to the new coach and is walking our way with what I am assuming is a new player, but I am completely wrong.

Remember how I was dying to see someone from home? Yeah, well imagine my surprise when I see Ethan Sims standing next to my brother in front of the car.


Yay! First chapter check!

Okay I'm not the best writer so if anyone was confused, here is a little background information:

1. Brynna is a 16 year old sophomore in high school. She has light brown hair that goes down to her mid-back and hazel eyes. She plays soccer and is on a really good team.
2. Noah is Brynna's older brother. He's 18 and a senior in high school. He has dark blonde hair and light brown eyes. He wanted to play on better teams for soccer, so that is why the Bradley family moved from the U.S. to England.
3. Addison and Sophia are Brynna's twin little sisters. They are in third grade. They are fraternal, but they both have dirty blonde hair and green eyes.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are surgeons (they make a lot of money). They are not home very often, but they care for their children very well.
5. The Bradley's have a dog named Skip, who is a German Shepard puppy.

I'm really excited to be posting this and I hope you enjoyed!

:) alexstearns

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