Chapter 13

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Upon hearing the news of my scholarship, my mom allowed us to have a party while she was gone. I just laughed. I don't know enough people to throw a party at such short notice. When I explained this to her, she just told me to do a sleepover or something fun with some of my friends. I had also shared the news of meeting Reagan, who my mother insisted come with and I agreed with her. She also said that we could have celebratory drinks as long as we stayed in the house.

After hanging up I texted a couple girls from the soccer team, including Reagan, and Brooklyn, as she was moving back into her house at the moment.

She decided to move back in with her dad because she thought she was overstaying her welcome here. And, she was dating my brother. Living in the same house made it awkward for all of us. Though it was nice having a extra hand, I think she was ready to go back home.

Everyone was free, and responded to my text saying they would be here soon. "Noah!" I call up the stairs. He came to the railing wearing nothing but his boxers. "Go put clothes on! I have friends coming over," I call up to him. "Is Brooklyn coming?" He says as his eyes light up. "Yes, but you can't hang out with her," I say matter of factly.

"Why?" He whines. Oh God, he looks like a lovesick puppy. "Because, she's my best friend, and I just got a scholarship, so ha," I laugh. "Well, she's my girlfriend, and I got a scholarship way before you," he says smugly. "That's because you're older than me!" I defend. "And besides, sisters before misters!" I say in a singsong voice. "Now go get dressed, I need help opening this champagne bottle," I say, attempting to twist the top off but failing.

He looks at me with an amused smile, turning to go back into his room. He appears in the kitchen a minute later, where I'm still attempting to open the bottle. He laughs, and pushes me aside, picking up the bottle and twists the top. But it doesn't budge. This makes me laugh, and when he starts grunting, I laugh even harder. All the sudden, the top flies off.


The top hits the vase on the counter, knocking it over and smashing it into a million pieces. Noah mutters some profanities before looking up with a cocky grin. "We now have one opened bottle of champagne and one smashed vase," he says calmly, which makes me laugh even harder than I'm already laughing. Once I sober up, Noah grabs the dustpan while I pick up the large pieces with my hands. "Oh by the way, while you're having you're girl party, Ethan's coming over and we are going to hang out," he says with a cocky grin. I narrow my eyes at him because I know he's getting back at me for not letting him hang out with Brooklyn. "Well played, big brother," I say, sweeping the last of the glass into the dustpan that Noah was holding. "My specialty, little sister,"
he replies.


The doorbell rings, making me snap my head up, and rush to go answer it. While I'm expecting one of my girl friends, I find Ethan. I fling my arms around his neck and attack his lips with mine, as I haven't seen him in a couple days.

"I came here to hang with Noah, but this works too," he says against my lips, and I giggle. "Congrats on the scholarship by the way," he says as we pull away, slightly out of breath. "Thanks!" I say, smiling.

"Nope!" Noah says as he appears next to Ethan. "Ethan's mine for now." He says as he pulls him away and I roll my eyes, and Ethan just laughs. "Well, I'll see you later?" Ethan says, while being pulled away, so it sounds more like a question.

I hear a knock on the already opened door, and whip my head around to find Skyler, a girl from the soccer team. She's a tall girl with pretty brown hair, and she was kind of shy when I met her, but now I would say we were pretty good friends. I welcome her in, and we get comfortable while the rest of the girls get here.

In total, there was six of us. There was Brooklyn, Skyler, Lucy, Sawyer, Camryn and me. Brooklyn didn't know anyone but me, so it was a little weird at first, but over time it was like we had known each other forever.

Thinking about it, I can't believe how much my life has changed since the move. I mean it in a good way of course, and nothing could beat hanging with some of my new friends.


"Noah, where the hell did you put the champagne?" I yell as I burst into his room. My eyes land upon the two boys, playing video games with two empty champagne bottles in between them. Did they drink them both? "What champagne?" he says, his words slurring. He was drunk. Well, no champagne for the girls.

When I look up at the screen, Noah and Ethan are shooting each other instead of the enemy. "I won!" Noah slurs. The screen blinks in bright red letters, "YOU DIED". I start laughing.

"Brynna, I'm tired," Ethan says. I notice that he is also drunk. "Come on," I laugh. "You can stay in my room." I say. "But you have a girls room," he says scrunching up his nose. "A girls room that has a comfy bed," I say laughing again.

He gets to his feet, stumbling a little bit on the short walk over to me. He slings his arm around my shoulder for support and we start the short trip down the hallway. Once we reach the bed, he lays down, curling into a little ball. "Thank you Brynna. I love you," he says as his eyes slowly shut.

I love you......

A tingling sensation fills me and I can't help but smile at his sleeping body. I kiss him on the forehead like I usually do for my sisters. I tiptoe to the doorframe and take one last glance at the sleeping boy on my bed that happens to be my boyfriend.

How did I get so lucky?


When I return downstairs, I find my twin sisters sitting among my friends. "What are you two still doing up?" I fake scold as my sisters shoot me simultaneous grins. "They're fine," says Sawyer. "They're funny, and they're really good at doing hair," says Camryn, and when I glance over at her I see that her hair is in a mangled fashion, sort of like a braid but not quite.

Sophia beams at the compliment even though we all know it doesn't look the best. A few girls laugh. "Please can we stay up with you," Addison says as she batts her eyelashes. I shake my head in defeat. "Fine," I say as they giggle. The late hours of the night are spent doing hair, nails, laughing, talking, games of truth or dare, movies, and sugar highs.

It's funny, that I would take this over a party any day. Just girls, just simple, just fun.



Well, this vacation was interesting. If you know me in real life, you may already know this but anyway. On Sunday, I broke my foot (lol I'm so clumsy) and so we had to go to the hospital and all that jazz. I was also camping, so with a broken foot, it was not the easiest. So I'm currently in a boot and I'm on crutches and I'm out of soccer for a while. Not that you really wanted to know that but hopefully that means faster updates cause I can't freaking do anything.

Anyways, how did you guys like that brother-sister scene in the beginning? I liked writing it :). What about the scene with Noah and Ethan? Or the "I love you" scene? Or the girls scene in the end? Comment and let me know what you think.

I'm thinking of wrapping this story up in two chapters plus an epilogue. I want this book to be short and sweet and I'm going to make my next book a little longer. Yes, you heard me right, a new book! I have the plot planned I just need the description and I'll share that in the author's note when I have it ready.

Thanks so much for 500+ reads!! I don't think I thanked you for that but you guys have no idea what that means to me! You guys are amazing!

I think that's it for now loves! I'm sorry for the shortish chapter, but the next two chapters should be better. Comment and vote for me? Love you guys!!

:) alexstearns

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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