Chapter 10

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I hop out of the car, confidently walking hand-in-hand with my boyfriend. I get a lot of stares, which I choose to ignore.

Walking to first period, I notice that most people try to look natural, diverting their eyes away, when I can obviously tell that they're curious. This makes me irritated, and I tense up. Ethan runs over the back of my hand, which is interlocked with mine, and it instantly makes me feel better.


By the time lunch rolls around, I'm exhausted. Turns out that news spreads ridiculously fast in my school and people just can't seem to shut up about our relationship. We also found out that we're getting a new student today, which just adds to the chaos thats taking place today. I know im just overreacting but I cant help but feel exhausted by the time I finally catch sight of our table.

I plop down in my usual spot next to Ethan, and he leans over, kissing my forehead. But today, Brooklyn not at our table. This should seem normal, as she hasn't been at school for the past few weeks. But since she's back today, I assumed she would sit back at the table with us.

I scan the room, furrowing my eyebrows and racking my brain to think of a place that she could be at. I smirk when I find her, hand interlocked with my brother's. I take a deep breath through my nose and refocus on my boyfriend.

I am about to ask him about his day so far when I am interrupted by a girl- I've never seen her before, so I'm assuming she's the new girl- takes a seat, right on top of my boyfriends lap. He stiffens in result of her actions and he looks uncomfortable.

My eyebrows raise in surprise, and my jaw drops a noticable amount. I also clench my fists, making them turn a bright red color. I try to keep my cool, as she's probably just confused as this is her first day here, and I'm about to inform her that she is sitting on top of my boyfriend, when she leans down, placing her grimy lips on his.

Ethan practically shoves her off of him, but I stand, suddenly dizzy and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I hear voices all around me and I can sense the feeling of two people coming up behind me, but its too late. Im making a bee line to the womens room, but i do think i'll make it. As I suspected, the little lunch I have eaten comes up, and I puke all over the entrance of the bathroom, my tears making it impossible to see. I trip, and even though I can't see much, I see the ground hurtling toward me and the world around me goes black.


"Is she going to be okay?" a male voice asks. The voice sounds oddly familiar but I can't seem to place it.

"Sorry, but if you're not family, we can't give you any information at this time. I'll check back in on her in a few minutes." another voice- I'm assuming a doctor- answers the guys plead.

"Please..." the guy whispers. But there's no answer.

I'm slightly bothered that I can't wake up, but this is all I hear as I'm pulled back into unconcioncesness.

I wake up to the sight of white tiling on the ceiling of a hospital. A hospital? Why am I in a hospital?

I think back to the last thing I remember, which was my episode at school, and me tripping. It all comes back to me now. "Hello?" I croak, my throat dry.

I see someone jump out of the corner of my eye, and I look over, wincing in pain when I turn my head, to find Ethan. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, even though I don't think that's the case.

"Brynna, you're okay," he breathes looking relieved, but also tenative to come by me. He takes a second to think and then asks "Are you mad at me?" he says, worry threaded into his voice.

I blink, replaying the events that happened but, I shake my head and I see him breathe out and smile. "I could never be mad at you. It wasn't your fault, you pushed her off of you. I was just shocked I guess. But I think I have a good reason, I mean, a girl I don't even know was kind of sucking the life out of my boyfriend's face, and I was kind of alarmed." I say and wrinkle up my nose, which makes him laugh and I join in. "That's a relief," he says as he wipes the non-existant sweat off of his forehead and sits down on the edge of my bed.

"Wait, where's my mom? And why am I in a hospital?" I query as I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh right, well, your mom is getting food, and you're here because when you fell, you hit your head and you have been diagnosed with a concussion. I had to threaten to break the doctors legs if he didn't tell me what was wrong with you." he adds with a laugh, his teeth flashing a prefect smile towards me. His smile is contagious and I feel myself grinning back at him.

"So I wanted to ask you something-" he started but was cut off by four figures entering through the doorway with trays of food balanced on their forearms. In files my Mom, Dad, Brooklyn, and Noah. "Oh, she's up!" Brooklyn squeals, setting her tray down frantically and lowering her arms to wrap around my torso, pulling me into a hug. "Hey guys," I say as I smile warmly. I send a smirk in Brooklyn's direction which makes her cheeks turn a light shade of red.

As much as I enjoy the company, I can't help but wonder what Ethan was about to ask me.



I know you probably hate meright now but im so so so so sorry about the late update! I've had a hectic couple of weeks and I'm really sorry.

I want to thank each and everyone of you guys that have stuck with me and I am planning on finishing up this book in 5-6 chapters. Thank you for all of your support and I already have an idea for my next book. Ill share more details when I know for sure what I'm going to do.

Sorry for any mistakes as I haven't written in a while and its not proof-read.

Thanks so much again! Vote and comment please! Love you all!

:) alexstearns

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