Chapter 9

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My eyes flutter open to find Brooklyn sitting in the corner reading. "Brooks!" I exclaim, throwing the sheets off of my bare legs and swooping her up into a lung crushing hug.

She laughed, hugging me back. I looked at her as if asking if she was okay, and she took a deep breath before nodding. "I don't know what's going to happen from now on, but I just want to say thank you. Brynna, you're the best friend I've ever had and you and your brother have helped me through these past few weeks." A silent tear slid down her cheek. "I don't know what I did to deserve your friendship, but I will be forever thankful," she said, sending me a weak smile. By this time, tears were coming down my cheeks as well.
"Oh Brooklyn, you know I will always be there for you," I replied, pulling her into another hug. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask tentatively. She nods in the slightest bit, and we both move to my bed, as I know that this will be a hard topic to talk about.

She inhaled, closing her eyes, before letting her breath out. "The funeral is on Saturday," she choked out, speaking slowly so that she did not loose it. "Before the service, the family has a separate goodbye, and I want your family to be there," she said as her breaths became shaky. I placed my hand on her shoulders and she visibly relaxed. "You guys have done so much for me and my family. So will you come?" she asked, almost whispering. "Of course," I say in a reassuring tone.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and squeezed me tight, making me thankful for my best friend. I knew she wasn't okay right now, but time would make it better.

We just sat in comfortable silence, and I felt better about things with Brooklyn.

Once she calmed down, she said, "So, what's going on between you and Ethan?" she bubbled, as she wiggled an eyebrow at me.

Well, that took less time then I thought. I laugh, which causes her to join in, turning us into a laughing fit.

Once we calm down, I tell her all the recent events that has happened between Ethan and I. I tell the whole story, pausing for a couple of responses.

"HE KISSED YOU!" or "YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" Brooklyn screaches. "Shhh, Noah's in the house," I hiss.

At the mention of Noah's name, Brooklyn's cheeks are tinged pink. I smirk at her. "Spill." I say.

"Well....When I met Noah for the first time, I didn't really know him very well. But when he came downstairs after I came over to your house, I realized that I had feelings for him." I interrupted her by making a gagging face, which caused her to laugh and keep going with the story. "And well umm.....One of the days that you went to school, Noah stayed behind and..umm..We hung out and-" she mumbled the rest. "And.......?" I promted.

"And we kissed," she blurted, a smile creeping onto her face. I screamed, no I'm not over exaggerating, I screamed, and took her into a hug, diacusted and happy for her at the same time.

Upon my screaming, an alarmed Noah came running around the corner. "Is everything okay? Oh, hey Brooklyn," he said with a lopsided smile on his face.

"Oh great, now I'm dead meat," I say, sarcasm rolling off of my tongue. Brooklyn laughs and Noah furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "I'll leave you two alone," I say as I smirk, heading into my bathroom. I jump in the shower, the scalding water waking up my muscles. When I'm done, I poke my head out, and when I don't see Brooklyn or Noah, I cross the room and go into my closet.

Picking out an outfit, I put on my purple long sleeve shirt with my white skinny jeans, and purple converse. I put on a small amount of makeup and head downstairs to find Brooklyn already seated at the table. Noah is already in the kitchen making pancakes.

"So," Brooklyn started, "I'm going to school today." This is the first day that she will be going back to school, and I was really excited for her. "That's so great Brooklyn."

I noticed that she had a different outfit on. Bssides the few trips home to get what she needs, Brooklyn has bren living at my house. I smiled and Noah entered the kitchen, a plate of steaming chocolate chip pancakes in his hand.

When they sat down, I realized that they would be good together. They were very different, but then again, when they were together, they were the same.


Ethan's car pulled up right at 7:45. I hopped in planting a kiss on his cheek. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" He smirked, and I swatted his arm.

The ride to school made me nervous, now people would know that we were dating, the new boy, the one who girls couldn't take their eyes off of, and the new girl, the one with only one friend. I sighed, shaking my head. "What's wrong Bry?" he asks.


"Bry, I know you're lying to me."

"It's fine."

"Brynna, tell me what's wrong." he said with a calm, yet controlling voice. "If you don't tell me, I'm pulling g the car over." I crossed my arms, not wanting to show him what I was feeling. I knew I was just being difficult, but the car came to a halt, and Ethan swerved out of the lane, putting it in park.

After not giving in, Ethan said, "Brynna, I think I'm going to have to tickle you." My eyes widen in surprise. He would know that I'm extrextremely ticklish. His fingers suddenly dig into my side, making me screech, and squirm around in my seat until I was almost lying on the floor. "Okay, okay! I'll tell you just stop!" I say as I'm laughing, making my words come out shakily.

He removes his hands immediately, patiently waiting for an explanation.
"Okay, I'm just nervous for how today will go at school. You're, well you, and I'm, well me." I said.

"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. You want to know why?" he asks. "Why?" I mumble.

He leans in, kissing me with so much meaning that I forget why I was even nervous. By the time our lips disconnect, I have a much better feeling about today.



Sorry for the late update, I've been on vacation in California! I realized I hadn't updated in a while, so I got up early and wrote this whole chapter toady!! Yay for me!

Anyways, that was an interesting chapter, huh? I was going to put her school day in this chapter, but then it would have been too long, so the next chapter us going to be about school.

Also, you guys are insane (insanely awesome that is)! Thank you so much for 300+ views!

Feel free to comment what you thought and vote! Thanks so much for your support! Love you all!

:) alexstearns

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