Chapter 4

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"Ethan is taking me to school, go ahead without me," I shout from upstairs.

Two pairs of thundering feet charge into my room as I'm getting ready, only adding light makeup since Ethan said I looked better without it.

"We want to come with Ethan," Addison and Sophia whine, boosting themselves on either side of my sink.

"Do you guys have little crushes on Ethan?" I taunt making them blush and causing me to laugh. They soon join in on the laughter and I'm suddenly thankful for my two little sisters.

"Maybe," Addison says, dragging out the 'y' and making it sound more like a question. I laugh again at her uncertainty, "I'll see what I can do," I say, and wink. "Go get ready," and as quickly as they appear, they vanish.


"So it's true, all of the Bradley sisters are dying to ride with 'ol Ethan," he says through the open window.

"Hi Ethan," the twins say in sing-song unison, as we pile into the car.

As per usual, when the twins hop out of the car, they race to the door, flashing two toothy smiles at us.

"Thanks for that," I say. "Anytime," he replies.

We drive along in silence for a while until Ethan asks, "Why do you care so much about what you wear?"

This is a harder question to answer than the day before. I furrow my eyebrows and think hard.

Why do I dress like this?

My answer surprises me even when it come out of my own mouth.

"To be honest, there is no real reason. It's just society's twisted way of trying to make yourself someone you're not," I spit, my voice becoming cold.

But Ethan isn't fazed, as he comes back easily with, "Then don't dress like that." I cock my head to look at him.

I gaped at him, "Oh so you want me to hide my super hot body under a pile of rags," I say, as he chuckles, glancing over at me raising one eyebrow.

"Just wear whatever is comfortable to you," he offers with ease, the cool November breeze blowing his hair out of place and making his eyes narrow into slits.

The rest of the ride was peaceful and relaxed.


I tried my best to pay attention, I really did, but something was distracting me. Well, more like someone.

While Mr. Stanford groaned on, I found myself stealing glances over at Ethan, who looked bored.

Stop it and pay attention, Brynna.

But instead of listening to my conscience, I pull out a sheet of notebook paper.

Hey :), I write on it, fold it and then slide it onto his desk, which causes a grin to appear, replacing his dull expression. I see him scribble something down out of the corner of my eye. He shoots the paper back at me and grins.

Opening it up I'm surprised with the words, Lunch date? sprawled across the paper in neat letters. Date? I reply, flicking one eyebrow up and smirking. He lets out a small laugh, that catches the attention of Mr. Stanford.

"Mr. Sims, Mrs. Bradley, would you like to stop aimlessly flirting before I take the note that you are passing?" This causes an uproar of snickers from the class, leaving me blushing, and Ethan smiling. "Sorry Mr. Stanford," he says with ease, sitting back in his chair and continuing to write on the note.

I shoot him a glance as if saying, "Are you crazy?, but all he does is smile, fold the note back up and flings the note back across onto my desk. You know what I mean, it reads and I bite my lip, scribbling, It's a date, but I'm paying, I insist, tossing the note back at him right as the bell rings.

He grabs it up, reads it, and then tosses it in the trash on the way out. "So, where are we going," I ask him. "You'll see," is all he says, but these two words manage to make me tingle with delight.


I settle into the passenger seat, taking quick glances at him, and notice something is wrong. "Are you okay?" I ask, acknowledging his sudden paleness. "Yeah.......yeah, I think so...." he says, trailing off.

I'm nervous, but I don't push for any answers as he starts the car and begins to drive.

Everything is going alright when Ethan suddenly mutters, "Shit, Brynna, I'm sorry, can you drive, I'll give you directions?" he asks, clearly in discomfort. "Ethan....I don't think we should still go, I can drive you to the doctor or something-" but I'm cut off by Ethan, who says, "No really, it's fine," he tries to finish, but can't. He suddenly closes his eyes and looks as if he passed out.

"Ethan!" I scream, turning the wheel violently to the left, swerving back onto the road. My heart is pounding hard I my chest and I'm shuddering, silent tears falling into my lap. Everything seems to be going in slow motion.

Why can this damn car go any faster?

I arrive into the hospital parking lot, shaking hard, and tears are streaming down my face. Everything is a blur, as I watch Ethan's body being carried into the hospital and finding myself collapsing into a chair in the waiting room as I am suddenly dragged into an exhausted sleep.



You probably hate me right now because I left you on a cliffhanger.

But that's okay because you guys are awesome!!!!! I've gotten over 100 views and I've only been writing for a week!! This may not mean much to some of you, but to me it means a ton!!!!! You guys are seriously awesome!!! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate that!!!! :)

Sorry for the fairly late update, finals (boo) and summer (wahoo) and all that jazz, but I think this chapter makes up for it.

I'm writing this in school on the last day of school so it's almost summer for me! I'm so excited, but I really don't know if I will be posting more or less than now. We'll just have to see.

Thanks so much again!

:) alexstearns

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