Secret revealed

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Zoysia and madi were now In the bunker with Clarke and she was treating Octavia

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Zoysia and madi were now In the bunker with Clarke and she was treating Octavia.



Madi and zoysia says I. Sync as they look at Octavia infection. "Z,M." Clarke says with a stern voice telling them to stop.

"The infection's passing. But this is gonna hurt. Are you sure you don't want Jackson?"

"Jackson's tending to Indra and the others in medbay. Just do it."

"The girls are big fans. She's heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race."

"She's heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race."

"Synthetic nightblood, like me. I took them to Becca's lab and shared my bone marrow to keep them alive."

"You're lucky Clarke found you." Octavia says looking at both the girl who smiled at her.

Kara barges in the room, "Ready to move?" She asked Octavia. "She needs another day's rest." Clarke tells her. "She needs to be with her people." Kara argues. "I'm done licking my wounds. Let's go remind the others what we promised them. From the ashes we will rise." Octavia says getting up walking out.

"Octavia's such a badass. I wish we didn't have to lie to her." Madi says sighing.

"Hey. We've talked about this. We have to lie to everyone to keep you safe. If the grounders find out what you are, some of them might try to replace Octavia with you. I can't have you caught up in a power struggle, especially during a war." Clarke says.

"Can you please teach us how to fight like a warrior." Zoysia pleaded. "I'm sorry Z but you already know the answer for that." Clarke said.

Zoysia sighs, " Worth a try."

Zoysia was with Gaia as she was telling her some of the wonkru's fighting tactics. "Zoysia." She heard he name being called. "Hey Clarke.Gaia was telling me some of wonkru's fighting tactics." Zoysia tells her as Clarke looks at Gaia.

"According to zoysia, she's encountered our enemy. Perhaps she could train with our novitiates and tell them about it." Gaia says.

" Thank you, but Z's not Wonkru. She's Shallow Valley. So is madi."

" So that's how you survived. Is it true that Praimfaya missed the entire valley?" Gaia asked them. "Yes but Clarke used her bone marrow to make me and my sister nightbloods." Zoysia said lying.

"Hmm." Gaia said.

"I owe her for life." Zoysia tells her.

"Gaia will you excuse us for a second." Clarke says pulling zoysia away from Gaia.

They all were in polis and zoysia was with her sister playing rock papar scissor shoot. Clarke barges through the door in panic, "what's wrong?"madi asked. "We can't stay hear." Clarke says.

"What why." Zoysia says. "Z, please don't question me right now. Yall shouldn't have never left that valley." Clarke says. "We did that because you were in trouble." Madi said. "Listen to me. Niylah knows the truth about you guys. When Octavia finds out—." Madi cut her off.

"Octavia is your friend." Madi says. "She used to be, but six years is a long time. Octavia is not the girl from the stories I told you. Not anymore." Clarke replied. "You think she'll hurt us?" Zoysia asked her. " I don't know. But I do know that I can't risk anything bad happening to y'all. You guys are my family, and family looks out for each other." Clarke said.

"Where will we go?" Madi asked Clarke. "home, when the transport ship gets back. No one cares about y'all blood there. Y'all will be safe." Clarke said. "But You won't. Clarke, if we go back, Diyoza will kill you." Zoysia said.

"I know it sucks, but sometimes there are no good choices. Now, if anything happens to me, yall need to find my mom. Yall find Abby, okay? Do you guys understand?" They both nod. "Come here." They all got into a group hug.

"Hey, come on. It's time." Clarke told  the two girls. As they get up and exits tent. "Hurry, hurry." "Madi, Z wait here."

Zoysia looked at madi shushing her, "stay here." Madi who looked confused just nodded.

Zoysia walked into Octavia's room and knocked on the door. "Enter." She opens the door . "Is it done." Octavia said without turning around. "Bloodreina." Zoysia says.

"Zoysia what are you doing hear." She asked.

"I have something to tell you."

"Our blood is the same. Our blood is one blood." Octavia says as she cuts the palm of zoysia hand and she grunts. "Z? Z! Octavia, get away from her."

"Clarke it's okay. I came to her." Zoysia assured. Octavia cuts the palm of her hands and they put their hands together. "You are wonkru." Octavia says.

"It's okay. She knows everything." Zoysia said. "I understand why you lied, Clarke, you were just trying to protect her. But zoysia no longer needs your protection. She has mine. I know what it's like to be the girl under the floor. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Your training begins tomorrow. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Octavia assures Clarke.

"Let me see that hand." Clarke said. "I know you're mad, but I told her I don't want to be commander and I didn't tell her about madi.I did it to keep you safe." Zoysia says. "That's my job. And you made it a whole lot harder." Clarke says treating her hand.

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