chapter one

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───── ❝ warm vanilla ❞ ─────

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───── ❝ warm vanilla ❞ ─────

vada and mia decided leading up to their two week cruise to spend as much time apart as possible. they've spent the last few weeks alone and only messaged a few times a day. it's not that they were worried about getting sick of each other. they just wanted to make sure to keep their relationship as healthy as possible. the distance has been hard but they know it'll help their relationship.

it was finally the day before the cruise and the girls decided to have a sleepover. mia, who had been waiting over an hour for her girlfriend to come over, simply couldn't wait anymore. she picked up her phone and sent vada a text.

loml 💍
[12:37 pm]

where are youuuu?

with no response, mia felt her heart speed up. she called her twice but nothing. a few anxiety filled minutes pass when her phone buzzed.

loml 💍
[12:46 pm]

just brushing my teeth i'll be over soon

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just brushing my teeth i'll be
over soon


surprise ;)

you better hurry tf up
i can't wait anymore

leaving now babe


mia put the phone down and immediately realized her fast heart beat wasn't slowing down. she tried breathing in and out slowly but her anxiety was still overwhelming. she felt like she was meeting vada again for the first time. her stomach was fluttering making her feel uneasy. nothing a little wine won't fix.

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