chapter three

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[ warning: sexual content / language ]

"you don't mean that." mia told her girlfriend leaning to one side with her arms crossed. vada stared, still irritated that mia thought she couldn't control herself like some sort of compulsive sex addict.

"so not even kissing?" mia asked with a frown.

"nope... no kissing, nothing sexual."

of course this was the last thing vada wanted but she was too stubborn. she wanted to prove her wrong even if that meant she'd have to suffer.

"babe you know i was kidding." mia said playfully punching vada's arm earning a glare.

"sure you were."

mia was confused by the sudden change in vada's mood. they joke all the time, why is it a problem now. mia thought she was being a bit dramatic. (she definitely is)

"vada we're on vacation... why are you starting this. i mean we haven't done anything in so long i've lost track and on top of it we are drinking tequila. ya know, the liquor that makes you horny," mia whisper-yelled at vada making sure no one could hear her.

at this point vada realized how overdramatic this was, but still wanted to prove a point.

"okay fine. let's make it a challenge then. whoever caves first has to do whatever the other person wants for an entire week and i mean whatever they want." mia said knowing vada would change her mind.

"deal." vada said sticking out her hand.

mia shook her hand,"you're fucking ridiculous."

"i know." vada said grinning at her girlfriend.

the sun had set awhile ago, they were tired so they decided to return to their cabin on the boat.

they made it back and started getting ready for bed. mia got all of her skincare products out while vada on the other hand was taking drunk pics with mia's phone.

mia yelling over the running sink, "VADA CAN YOU PLEASE BRING MY MOISTURIZER IN HERE

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mia yelling over the running sink, "VADA CAN YOU PLEASE BRING MY MOISTURIZER IN HERE."

she turned off the phone, setting it down and did what mia asked.

"anything for my girl." vada said walking into the bathroom putting down the bottle next to her and hugging mia from behind. mia blushed instantaneously, feeling the warm embrace of her girlfriend. through the mirror, vada stared at mia with her head on her shoulder.

"you're so beautiful." vada whispered making mia turn around to face her. she leaned back on the counter staring into the slightly shorter girl's eyes before jolting her eyes down to vada's lips. her blue eyes becoming dilated as her eyes moved from her lips back to her eyes. wanting nothing more than to collide their lips together. vada slightly leaned in to where they were inches apart before she whispered, "i promise you, i'm going to win" before walking out of the bathroom leaving mia a bothered mess. mia inhaled and exhaled slowly before following her.

she changed into one of vada's baggy shirts then got into bed with her. trying to occupy her mind with something else.

"sooo what do you want to do tomorrow?" vada asked turning on the tv like nothing happened.

"i'm down for anything. since it's our first day maybe tan and relax then hit the club at night?"

"CLUB?!" vada said with a contorted face.

"you didn't know they had one?" mia asked laughing at the girl's facial expression.

vada returned her focus to the tv, "uh no, we're going."

"bet," mia asked turning towards her,
"can we cuddle?"

"come here." vada said with open arms. while vada ran her fingers through mia's hair as she snuggled into her chest. both content and excited for what this trip has in store for them.






^if only they knew 😭

sorry it's a short chapter and ik it's starting off slow but it's about to pick up. just know this is going to be a pretty traumatic/drama filled story. i'll leave warnings before chapters just in case 🫶🏼

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