chapter ten

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vada's pov:

throughout my body, blood flow increased everywhere. i could feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears. mia knew exactly how to provoke me. one look from her and it's over. i need her and i need her now. i immediately pushed myself off of the bathroom counter and stepped towards her. the overwhelming sensation made its way to my lower stomach as i gently dragged my finger down mia's body. starting between her boobs, down to her defined stomach. i grabbed her hips pulling her towards me. the feeling of her warm skin on mine made me want to press pause and stay here forever. i don't think i could ever be more in love with or attracted to someone... actually let me rephrase that, i know i could never be.

her lips were plump and inviting making me crave them more than i ever have. my free hand grabbed some of her perfectly highlighted hair, twirling it around my finger. the other hand moved back up to her boob while i played with her nipple causing it to get even harder.

"vada.." mia exhaled, her eyes full of desire. the look reminded me of our first time. that night i could tell everything she wanted to say by the way her eyes spoke to me. a year later and nothing has changed. she still gives me the same butterflies i felt when i first talked to her in the bathroom of our high school. the first thing i remember saying to her was that she didn't need makeup. which i still remind her of all the time. gosh she's just so fucking beautiful. i could write a novel on how much i adore this girl.

"mia.." i responded with a smirk making her lean forward to gently collide our lips together. straight away, i grabbed her face and moved my lips with hers. mia's hands started to wander my body making me feel constant pulses between my legs. i didn't have enough self control left.

mia's pov:

the way vada was taking charge throughout our kiss, i knew she was turned on badly. i moved my lips to her neck, lightly sucking on it, earning a quick whimper from her. oh how i love to tease her.

i stepped back and turned to open the now foggy glass door that lead to the running shower. i left it open waiting for her to follow. i then grabbed the bottle of soap—lavender which happens to be my favorite scent— and squirted some on my hand. i started to rub it on my body focusing on my chest. i rubbed them both together creating suds all over my boobs. vada's face was priceless. her lips were slightly parted and it looked as if she was panting. fuck i want her. yes foreplay is important but truthfully i didn't need it.
not with vada. all she has to is look at me and i'm drenched.

i decided to take matters into my own hands and do what i needed done. i backed up sitting down on the built-in bench then spread my legs as far as i could. one arm was behind me and the other trailed down my body down to my clit, starting to rub it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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