chapter six

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vada was still sound asleep when mia had woken up. she rolled over groaning, remembering what had happened last night. how she's still upset that vada was so bug-eyed towards that girl, abby. yes vada tried to reassure her but it didn't help mia the way she needed it too. it was something internal that she needed to figure out.

mia decided to get up and go to the gym on the ship. let all of her pent up negative energy to good use. she left vada a little note with the cruise's complimentary pen and pad.

       morning, i'm going to head to the gym
real quick, ill be back in a little bit :)

she placed it next to her on the bed admiring how peaceful she looked. her freckles increasing day by day from the sun exposure. she had drool coming out of her mouth making mia let out a small laugh.

she put on her new workout outfit she bought for the trip and headed out the door.
she walked in to see the gym was kind of busy but it didn't bother her. she put her headphones in and jumped on the treadmill turning the level up.
she was enjoying her walk until she spotted someone who made a pit in her stomach.
abby in the weightlifting section doing squats in her bright pink workout set.

mia rolled her eyes at herself for letting the girl control her emotions like that and for being so jealous. as far as mia knew she was such a sweet person.
after mia's walk she decided to try to do some leg workouts. the leg press machine was occupied so she quickly walked to the leg curl machine before someone took it. but it looked like the girl had the same idea.

"i remember youuuu." abby said smirking, while pointing at her.

"yeaaahh." mia said putting on a fake smile, trying to not sound sarcastic.

"where's your friend? you're really hot friend." abby said still smirking, intertwining her own hands and rocking her body.

"oh my girlfriend? she's asleep back in our room." mia smiled back making abby's eyebrows relax.

"oh sorry.. i didn't know.." abby said looking worried.

"hey don't worry! it's seriously okay! i know she is really hot."

abby laughed feeling awkward about the situation.
as much as mia wanted this conversation to be over something told her to be nice and ask her to workout with her.

"wanna be my workout partner for the day?" mia asked now with a genuine smile.

"yeah of course!" the blonde said ecstatic that she wanted to include her.

"i'm kinda new to this, what should we do first?" mia asked moving her eyes slowly across the gym.

"come on, i'll show you what you need to know!" abby said hooking their arms together.

they finished their workout, mia dripping with sweat from how intense her routine is.

"well was not expecting that but i'm glad i did it." mia said wiping the sweat from her forehead. she thought about how abby really was sweet. she was so thankful she went out of her way to explain the exercises to her.

"same here girl." abby said bent over trying to catch her breath from the last set of hip thrusts.

"hey if you end up working out tomorrow, i'd love to join!" mia said actually looking forward to it.

"of course. here i'll give you my number." abby put her hand out waiting for mia to hand over her phone.

"there you go! i will text you later" abby said smiling.

mia sighed in a content way making her way to the room. she opened the door to see the bed empty. the shower was running and she could hear a vibrating noise.

"what the fuck." mia said stepping in and shutting the door behind her. she sat on the recliner in the corner waiting for her girlfriend to be done.

vada swung the door open with a smile forming in her face when she saw her. vada ran over to her and planted kisses all over her face.

"ew you're so sweaty!!" vada wiped her mouth, her face contorted in disgust. mia laughed pushing her away so she could get up.

"sooo vada what was that vibrating sound?" mia said leaning her side on the vanity near the front of the room while crossing her arms.

"my toothbrush..." vada said confused as to why she was questioning her until it clicked.

"ohh no not that. but damn i'm going to consider using one if you keep leaving me hanging." vada said raising her eyebrows.

"soooo dramatic." mia rolled her eyes, while throwing a towel over her shoulder.

later that night, mia and vada decided to go get some ice cream and sit on their deck to enjoy the sunset.
their vanilla ice cream cone melting down their hands while mia put on her taylor swift playlist.

"i will never get sick of the sunset." vada nodded in agreement at mia's statement.

"i saw a post the other day that said 'sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, everyday can end beautifully' and that might just be the realest thing i've ever heard."

"you are my sunset." vada said leaning over and giving her a kiss on her cheek.

mia's phone went off making her take it out of her pocket. she saw a random number making her squish her eyebrows together.

"who is it?" vada asked still looking at the sunset.

"some rand- ohhhh it's abby." mia said taking her eyes off her phone and looking up at vada who looked extremely confused.

"yeah i ended up seeing her at the gym and she said hi. we ended up working out together and i asked her to let me know if she goes tomorrow." vada nodded understanding.

"aw that's nice! she's probably a great person to go with, her body is insane." vada said licking the dripping ice cream.

mia stared off into the distance taken aback by what just came out of her mouth.





two updates today for you guys 🤍

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