chapter five

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warning: 18+


mia and vada entered the club around 9 pm, both overwhelmed by how packed it was. everyone screaming over each other. the strong aroma of sweat and alcohol filled the place. the wooden bar itself was extremely long and filled with people trying to order their drinks. there were hightop tables in some corners and a giant dance floor, lit up by vibrant neon lights. the dj was elevated at the front of the stage, dancing to a remix of "we found love" by rihanna making everyone scream at the top of their lungs. the crowd was filled with people dancing around, spilling drinks, making out and grinding on one another. nothing like what they expected in the best way possible.

they pushed their way through the crowd of people to get to the bar. vada quickly sat down on the only seat available, grabbing mia's hips and pulling her to sit in between her legs. mia felt vada's arms wrap around her waist giving her butterflies and making her eyes go wide.

"what do you want to drink babe?" vada asked grabbing mia's hair, pulling it to the side so she could lean her head on her shoulder.

"hmmm good question." she said in a breathy tone feeling vada plant kisses on her neck.

once they figured out what they were drinking—tequila soda with lime—they made their way to the dance floor. nothing has changed, vada remains one of the worst dancers to exist and mia, the exact opposite. she makes sure to tone it down though so vada doesn't look too out of place.

the song "hotel room service" by pitbull came on next making everyone scream a notch louder, if that was even possible. mia grabbed her girlfriend making them even closer, she turned around facing the opposite direction while starting to dance on vada. vada's hands instantly move to mia's hips. the dj switched the song to "come get her" by rae sremmurd making their dancing become more intimate. mia was faced toward vada moving her hips slowly back in forth while running her hands through her sweaty dirty blonde hair. vada couldn't keep her hands to herself anymore. her eyes begging to feel every inch of mia. she grabbed where mia's skirt had rode up on her leg, pushing it up further. mia smirked at her sudden touch.

"mia i-i can't take it any longer." vada's breath hitched as she continued to move her hand up mia's dress.

"babe i can't either but not here." mia said trying to figure out how drunk vada was. but in reality vada was only a little tipsy and the tequila was making her frustration even worse.

"no one will know, i can just push your thong to the side." vada said into her ear, starting to kiss down mia's neck making her moan and throw her head back without control. at this point mia wanted her just as bad but definitely had way more self control.

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