chapter two

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warning: fluff

the next morning, mia woke up before vada laying next to the brunette girl, taking in how captivating she was. she admired her beauty and felt the connection between them growing stronger. she wanted to stay in this moment forever, but knew that time was ticking and they had to get up soon. she brushed a strand of hair away from Vada's face and smiled. her olive, freckled skin glistening as the sun beamed through the bedroom window. her now shorter expresso colored hair shining. mia cautiously leaned down giving vada a kiss on the temple. vada's eyes fluttered open while she turned over her body to face mia.

"babe what time is it?" she asked.

"seven, almost time to get ready to go."

vada flashed a smile with her eyes closed, excited for their vacation.

"come onnn get up." mia shouted throwing a pillow on top of vada causing her to grunt and roll back over.

they got ready, grabbed their bags and ordered the uber to the cruise port which happened to be 2 hours away. while on the ride there, they shared headphones listening to music and sneaking quick glances at each other. they've been dating for almost a year but you would never know because of how giddy they still get around one another. every time they hug, it's like the first time they've seen each other. they still have those long, lingering conversations about nothing in particular, and they always seem to find something new to laugh about. they are still so infatuated with one another, it's almost hard to believe they have been together for so long.

arriving at their destination, the girls both gasp in shock when they saw the giant cruise ship.

"how the hell does that thing float. like i know buoyancy and shit but seriously." vada said facing mia.

"no because my science teacher explained it about 3 times to me and i still don't have the slightest idea." mia explained shaking her head.

they board the boat, went through security and finally entered the main deck.

"holy shit." vada said in awe looking around the large, elegant room with two glass elevators in the center that led to the 8 other stories. there were shops that lined the bottom floor and a few restaurants.

"babe let's go put our things in our room first." mia stated grabbing vada's hand and pulling her to another set of elevators.

"okay so we are on the seventh floor room C245." mia said watching the number go up on the elevator. they get off when they reach their floor and slowly make it to their room. both of them struggling to carry their heavy luggage.

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