chapter seven

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"i'm sorry what?" mia asked wondering if she heard her correctly.

"that came out wrong, i meant like you can tell she works out." mia nodded blinking away the
tears that began to flood her eyes. vada grabbed mia's thigh making her flinch.

"what is up with you?" vada said noticing her sad demeanor.

"i'm fine." mia said pulling out her phone thinking of a response to abby's message.


1:34 pm

hey it's abby! my friend is being
lame and hanging out with some
guy. would you and your girlfriend
want to go to the comedy show

we would love to! when should
we meet up?

yayay i'll see you there and at 7:45
in front of the pizza place :))


"we're going to a comedy show tonight." mia told vada with no expression.


"with abby." she added.

"sounds good." vada said studying mia's expressions wondering why she was acting so weird.

mia got up from the outside furniture to walk inside. her mind occupied with the curiosity of vada's feelings.

"does she love me anymore?
do i talk to her about it?" mia thought to herself.

following behind her was vada who plopped herself on her side of the bed. she stared at mia, who was zoning out, her mind clearly preoccupied.

they sat there in silence for awhile, waiting for the other to say something. hours passing by. it was six o'clock before vada looked up from her phone and finally decided to speak.

"hey babe, we should start getting ready." vada said putting her phone down walking over to her.

"please don't be mad at me anymore."

"i'm not mad i'm hurt, theres a difference." mia said lightly pushing her to the side so she could get around her.

"if it's about what i said earlier, i promise you i love you just the way you are." mia turned around looking at her wondering if she was being sincere or not.

"if that's the case, you need to think before you say shit." vada put her head down knowing the hurt she caused mia.

they both got ready for the show. mia wore a gorgeous orange skintight dress making her curves prominent. she left her hair natural embracing the beach waves her hair naturally had. vada decided to wear a black skirt with a black mesh long sleeve with a black laced bra. her hair pulled back in a low messy bun.

"wow you look amazing mia." vada said staring open-mouthed at her girlfriend.

"thank you, so do you." mia said applying her gucci perfume to her neck.

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