chapter nine

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it was a few hours later when mia checked her phone realizing the time

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it was a few hours later when mia checked
her phone realizing the time. it was almost time to head back to the port. considering the weather that was rolling in, they decided to head back sooner rather than later. the waves were starting to crash faster and faster. the seagulls were squawking louder due to the dark clouds and thunder in the distance. the girls grabbed their things and walked back, hand in hand.

"thank you for an amazing day." mia spoke after a bit of silence. vada slowly blinked as her lips curled into a smile.

"anything for you." vada said giving mia's hand a little squeeze.

once they made it back on the boat. the girls headed back to their room to shower and nap, both exhausted from being out on the beach all day. their plans quickly changed as soon as they spotted their bed. both of them plopped down not caring about the immense amount of sand all over their body or their half-wet, half-dry salty hair that felt crispy in texture. they could both hear the thunder and rain now coming down outside hitting the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.

"i'm going to need a serious amount of that after sun shit you packed." vada said with her eyes closed, looking like a starfish sprawled out on the bed. her cheek squished in to the bed and arm draped over mia's body.

"mhm, i'll get it in a little bit." mia said, her voice muffled from her face being buried in the bed.

vada flopped over onto her stomach and shut her eyes before they both dozed off. as their breathing slowed, a peaceful contentment settled over the two. mia was no longer upset by her dream from last night and knew exactly how much vada loved her. she knew this before, but her overthinking tendencies and anxiety messes with her head. making scenarios up and not believing people is something that unfortunately comes along with it.

mia felt something get on her and something touching her cheek, then forehead and then her lips. mia's eyes fluttered open to see vada who was sitting on her waist kissing her with her hands on both sides of her

mia's pov:

there she was, my beautiful girlfriend, making me instantly smile even if she woke me up from the best nap of my life. the way her soft lips trailed from my face down to my neck made me feel a warm, fuzzy feeling that washed over my body. her hand moving up to my face, gently moving my hair behind my ear.

"i'm sorry.. I just couldn't help myself." vada said.

i leaned up towards her face that was above me, locking our lips together, to reassure her that i didn't want her to stop. she smiled into the kiss making me lean back and look at her face. i noticed her freckles and how they were way more prominent than yesterday. the way her lips must've been fairly burnt due to them being a bit swollen. the way her hair surrounded us making it easy for me to grab.
i leaned up kissing her again, this time with more passion, more meaning behind it. i wanted her, not in a sexual way, i mean yes definitely that too but i wanted her for more than that. i want her to always be my person. truly I've never met someone like vada. she has this way about her that makes me feel safe no matter the situation. the world could be ending and if she was by my side, i'd be okay. after the shooting that happened back in high school, she was the inky reason i could sleep. if she wasn't by my side, i couldn't even close my eyes. even when i'm an overthinking mess, she always finds a way to calm me down and make me feel like i'm not crazy for how i feel. i've never had that with anyone. she just makes everything make sense.

"mia?" vada questioned looking into my eyes making me melt.


"what are you thinking about?" she asked making me come back to reality.

"you of course." my answer made her grin. she moved her hands to both sides of my waist while she sat up. her thumbs rubbing on my lower stomach making me feel things down 'there'. i let in a quick breath as her hands started to rub up my stomach to my boobs under my tank top. we kept eye contact as she started to play with my nipples through my bathing suit making them hard. i couldn't take the sexual tension anymore. the love i have for this woman is undeniable and not having sex with her for as long as we have has made me turn into a feral mess. i grabbed her by her t-shirt making her meet my lips as we began to make out again, i moved my hands up her back untying her bathing suit under her shirt.

"wanna continue this in the shower?" vada said attaching her lips to my neck, coating my body entirely in goosebumps.

without a word, i got up from the bed with hunger in my eyes. i grabbed vada and pulled her into the bathroom. i quickly turned on the shower and went back to her, who was now sitting on the counter with just an oversized shirt on. i walked up to her standing between her legs while taking the shirt off and throwing it to the side. i then took off my remaining clothes. the steam now becoming more dense. the humidity felt amazing on my sunburned skin. i looked at vada who seemed to be enjoying her view.

"do you plan on just staring at me or?..." my question made her let out this sexy scoff.

buckle up babes the next few chapters are
going to be a ride fr

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