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Late in the night, a hooded figure appeared in a flash of light, seemingly from nowhere. The woman carried a young girl with her. "Where are we going mama?" the girl asked. "Hush. Everything's alright." the woman replied, evading answering the question.

This woman was Gisela Sencen, and the child was her 3-year daughter, Luna Sencen. Gisela walked over to a cliffside and took out a dagger. She made a small slit in the palm of the girl who was falling asleep in her arms. Luna's eyes shot back open and tears welled up.

Gisela took no notice and simply smeared Luna's blood against a small hidden panel. Doors opened and she walked inside. Gisela walked to a room and left Luna, who was fast asleep, in a bed. Gisela tucked her in, pressed a kiss against her forehead, then whispered "Sweet dreams, my darling."

Gisela then left the hideout, not knowing when she would see her little girl again, but knowing it would be a much better life than if she grew up with her twin brother.


Luna woke up the next morning to a little boy, just a year older, hovering over her bed. "Hi! I'm Felix! What's your name?" "L-luna" she said quietly, lip trembling. Tears filled her ice-blue eyes. "Where am I?" she whispered, on the verge of tears.

"Felix!" called a man, entering the room. "Don't scare her. Hi, Luna. I'm Fintan." he said, directing the little boy out of the room. "Where's mama?" "Your mom had to leave."

Even for a 3-year-old, Luna was smart. Somehow, she knew she wouldn't see her mom for a long time. She started bawling. Fintan grew uncomfortable. His son Felix didn't cry much, so Fintan didn't have much experience with crying children.

Fintan soon left, and Felix snuck back in. The crying girl didn't notice, as she was curled into a ball. Felix got into her bed and hugged her.

Fintan came back later, only to see the two cuddled up, asleep.


Over the years, the two became very close, almost like brother and sister. They spent all their free time together, as well as training, and eating.

When Luna had nightmares of the fateful day when her mother abandoned her, they would curl up together, Luna crying, Felix hugging her until she calmed down.

As Luna couldn't attend Foxfire (she was unregistered), Felix taught her everything he knew, and they did his homework together.

It was a friendship like no other.

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