without you

40 3 2

the moment you left.
i've seen the sun leave with you.

taking away the warmth.
and the sunshine.

the moment the sun left.
i've seen the moon follow behind.

taking away the nightlight.
the tides.
and the ocean.

the moment the moon left.
i've seen the stars follow.

once the stars went.
the sky became dull.

with no view or beauty.
with nothing to give us direction.
or the least bit of light.

the moment the stars left.
i've seen the flowers follow.

and with it went all the beauty that we had left.

and soon my oxygen followed.

and all that was left to leave was me.

because a life with no you in it.
is not a life i'm willing to live.

a life with no you in it.
is not a life at all.

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