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This is a femme MC, Y/N character that will go by she/her pronouns. It's also been a while since I've written fanfiction, so bear with me. It's also a first for me to post on Wattpad. That said, feedback is nicely welcomed, as long as it's not degrading, mean or just plain rude. I think the ending of HL has left us with a bad taste in our mouths and wanting more. This is for the Ominis Stans. <3


"Whoa, they're sorting an older student. A new 5th year." I could hear Sebastian's voice over all the other chatter in the Great Hall. "She's really pretty." Pretty. How would I know? I can't see her Sebastian. Almost as if he could read my mind, he described her to me. How her hair shined in the light of the floating candles. How her smile dazzled him. How smooth her skin looked.

Mentally rolling my eyes, and placed my head in my hands. "SLYTHERIN." The table erupted in cheers and whoops for the new addition. Great, I'll never hear the end of her arrival to the school. "I heard she faced a dragon with Professor Fig on their way to Hogwarts." Imelda was one for gossip. If it wasn't about quidditch, there was some sort of new scandal that caught her attention that she just needed to spread. This was going to be a long year. I could already tell.

The next morning, I made my way to the common room windows. 5 years at Hogwarts, felt more like home, than my actual home. I had just settled in and told the 1st years the tale of mermaids just on the other side of the glass. If they stayed long enough they might just hear the songs of the sirens. A chuckle had just escaped my lips when I heard her soft voice. "Hello there."

"Based on the chatter when you entered the common room, I'm guessing you're the new 5th year. I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt." I could barely contain the nervousness in my voice as I spoke to her. Her voice was much sweeter than I imagined. "It's nice to meet you Ominis. I'm y/n." I felt as her hand ran down my arm, her delicate fingers clasping around my hand in a soft handshake. Oddly enough, I didn't pull away at her touch. It was welcomed, as I didn't feel any hostility from her. We had a brief chat and I heard her mention Sebastian before she excused herself from the conversation. I had hoped it wouldn't be the last time we spoke.

And it wasn't.

There was the incident with the undercroft. Yelling at Sebastian for revealing one of our secret places. I didn't mean to yell at her, it was like an out of body experience. I wanted nothing more than to stop, but I couldn't. I felt betrayed by my oldest friend. She didn't know any better that he was doing this to impress her. She gave me her apologies and made her way, I assume, to the common rooms. I made my way to yell at Sebastian for this breech in trust.

A few days after, I found her seated in the common room, studying. The buzz of her shiny arrival had since worn off, and another achievement she did, replaced it. "Defending Hogsmeade against trolls? There is a such thing as trying too hard." It sounded much nicer in my head. She's going to think I hate her.

Instead, I heard a giggle escape her lips as she patted the sofa beside her, loud enough for me to hear. I took the available seat and turned my ear in her direction. "Well, the attention started to fade, and I just thrive on it." She was being sarcastic as she spoke, but I could sense the smile in her voice. "About that night, with the-" Y/N cut me off when she placed her hand on mine. "Don't worry. I understood. It's a place for you three. A travelling stranger knowing something so, precious to you lot, is a bit unnerving. I hope you trust that I won't tell anyone of its existence."

I nodded and sighed softly. "That may be, but my reaction wasn't the behavior I want you to associate with me." Her hand left mine as she began to scribble down on some paper. "Don't worry Ominis. I associate your behavior as a prankster. Those poor 1st years still stare out of the windows. I'm afraid their eyes will dry out." It was my turn to laugh as I felt her eyes on me.

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