Confessions in the Undercroft

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How can she meet me at night, torture me with that comforting scent, and leave without saying another word? Sebastian had tried to talk to her, but she didn't believe anything he had to say. Anne, oh Anne. She was angry with the three of us. Sebastian for siding with Y/n and I. Y/n for being the person I wanted to give my affections to. And Me, for wanting to be happy.

She still walked with me to classes, and sat next to me when she could. Anne may be angry at me, but she wouldn't abandon me. Perks of being blind I guess. I sighed as I sat in transfigurations class. Professor Weasley was droning on and on and I honestly found no interest in the subject. I barely passed last year and I'll barely pass again my final year.

"She looks lovely today. Tired, but lovely." Sebastian never stopped telling me how she looked in every class we shared. Was Y/n losing sleep like I was? Worried over me? Clearly not too much if she's back to avoiding me. I leaned forward and laid my head on my desk. "Ominis, don't worry. She'll come around. We just have to convince Anne to stop being so pouty." He lowered his voice and sighed. "She survived a curse and is mad at the person who broke it. She needs to sort out her priorities."

I tried to hold in a chuckle, but failed. "Mr. Gaunt. What exactly, do you find so funny?" I sat up straight and cleared my throat. "Sorry Professor. I- er fell asleep." Not exactly believable but what could she do. "10 points from Slytherin for lack of attention. Moving on." Sebastian patted my back and I sighed. "We've been friends too long Sebastian."

I laid my head back down and heard as Eric started speaking. "If you're not busy after classes today, would you like to accompany me to the three broomsticks for some butterbeer? As friends, of course." I turned my head slightly towards the direction of his voice and heard as a familiar one spoke softly. "I don't know Eric. I usually help Poppy after classes. She keeps me pretty busy." Y/n sounded nervous and I was pretty sure she was glancing at me to see if I was listening in.

I turned my head back toward the teacher, as not to look suspicious to her. "Gareth mentioned helping her with the Kneazles today. So I'm sure if you didn't show up, they'll be fine. I need help in Potions again and you've got flying marks." Oh, he was turning on the charm. Wasted on her really. Y/n wasn't one to fall for flattering words. "You do suck at potions. I've seen a few too many blow up in your face." WHAT.

There was a pause and I could feel my heart racing. Y/n surely you know he's trying to lure you into a date under the false pretense of Potions help. She let out a soft sigh and I could hear as she shifted around. "Ok. I'll help you. But I'm not meeting you in the three broomsticks. It gets so loud in there. How about by the water wheel on the edge of hogsmeade? It's quiet. Bring your potions book ok?"

Eric made a noise of triumph which cost his house 10 points and I felt rejected. Rejected and angry. Just over a week ago, she was talking about how she had zero interest in Eric. Now she's agreeing to meet him outside of the school. Again? What made Eric so special all of a sudden? I balled my hand into a fist and felt as Sebastian squeezed my shoulder. "Are you alright Ominis?"

I relaxed my hand and nodded. "I'll be fine. Avoid the Undercroft today. Tell Anne. I don't want to accidentally hit one of you with a blasting curse." I heard him suck in a breath and patted my shoulder before speaking softly. "Noted. What did you overhear?" I shook my head, not wanting to answer. "Just avoid the undercroft Sebastian." It fell silent between us and I tried to focus on the reading that was placed in front of us. Transfigurations was already one of my least favorite subjects. Now it was my most hated.

When class was over, I stood up with Sebastian. We had a few minutes between classes and Magical Theory was next. I didn't hear Y/n's usual shuffle out, but I was too angry to care. "Oh, Sebastian can I-" He had taken my arm and I felt as he pulled me along. "Sorry Y/n. Ominis and I can't be late for Magical Theory class." He rushed me out of there and I raised a brow as he let me go, and I used my wand to get around. "Had to give her a taste of her own medicine. How'd that feel Ominis?"

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