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The warm summer nights, cooled down into crisp fall breezes, and those soon turned into cold winter evenings. Anne had finally gotten over her heartbreak, much to the relief of everyone involved. Y/n seemed to have relaxed and we both settled into a great routine. It was nice to finally be able to show my affection for her without worry of how anyone else would take it.

We all sat in the common room studying. Her left hand intertwined with my right as I felt the Braille of my book underneath my other. Without much thought, I brought her fingers to my lips, giving them a soft kiss and receiving a squeeze as a reply. "You both are disgustingly cute." I turned to the sound of Imelda's voice and heard as Y/n let out a small giggle. My lips kissed her fingers again and I spoke softly. "Isn't she?"

They all groaned as I let out a chuckle. I took a break from reading and leaned back in a stretch. Y/n's hand slipped out of my own and I heard as she shut her book. "I'm done for the day." She moved at my side and I put my arm around her. "Y/n, what are you doing for Christmas break after the Yule ball?" Sebastian's voice didn't hide his curiosity.

"Oh, well, I'm staying here for the holidays. My parents are in France and I hate it there." I heard as everyone else's books closed and I raised a brow. "Where do you go during the summer?" There was a pause and I felt as her hand rested on my knee as we both leaned back against the sofa, from the floor.

"Home, in London. Now that I'm older, my parents are gone a bit more, so it's nice and quiet." I could feel how uncomfortable she felt as she shifted under my arm. "I prefer it that way. I can floo to the Highlands and they can't tell me no." She gave an uneasy giggle and I gave her a slight squeeze. I knew she hated talking about her family. "What are you guys doing for the holidays?"

Imelda went on about how she was going to go home and practice her flying in the cold weather. I didn't pay attention to anything she said as I was more concerned about the girl in my arms. She was shifty. Like she was dreading whatever was to come over the next few weeks. "Anne and I are going home too. Do some general upkeep so it's nice when we're back after graduation."

I tuned back into the conversation as Anne spoke. "What about you Ominis? You never really said." I took a breath and sighed. "I'm going home as well. Not for the entirety of the holidays though. Just a few days, to get some things and I'll be back here, annoying my girlfriend." I gave her another quick squeeze, earning a soft kiss on my cheek. "Annoying? You could never." I chuckled along and smiled despite the unease I felt about the whole situation.

I got to my feet and pulled Y/n up with me. "Is it still early enough for a walk?" There was the sound of her shuffling around before I felt her put a scarf around my neck and pulled my robes a bit more closed. "It is. Let's go." We said our goodbyes and she hurried me up the steps and out of the Slytherin common rooms.

Once I felt the coolness of the winter air, I felt as she took my arm, pulling me closer to her. "Darling, are you alright?" I felt her shake her head against my arm and slowed my pace as we walked. "I just hate the holidays. My parents never really cared about my opinions on travel. It's like it would kill them to settle somewhere for once. And I'm scared of what will happen to us once we graduate." Her voice dropped as she spoke a bit more. "I'm quite happy here. And it's unfair that I didn't get to spend my entire time at Hogwarts."

There it was. It never took much to get her to open up to me. "You came to Hogwarts at the right time. I don't think I would've been so open to being your friend, if you had come earlier. I doubt you'd see me as such. Being the Heir to Slytherin and all." Y/n laughed and pulled me to sit on an empty seat out in the courtyard.

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