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I was never one for affection. I didn't like hearing the silly pet names couples had for each other in the spaces we all shared. In all honesty, I didn't think I deserved any type of love anyone had for me. I was the 'Heir to Slytherin.' As evil as evil came. So I kept to my two close friends and left it at that.

Not once, did the thought of her come to mind. I never saw her in that way. I never saw her at all. I'm blind. But little by little, she gave me the taste for affection. A hug here. A squeeze there. A soft kiss on the cheek when I believed no one was around. Y/n would reach out and surprise me with a touch my skin burned for when we were alone.

The day she allowed me to touch her face, I was surprised. She did it without warning. Without hesitation when she thought it was the right time. I couldn't tell then, how much she truly trusted me. Or how much I felt for her in such little time. Y/n had made a huge impact on me and everyone around her.

Soon, her group of friends extended an arm around me. Natty provided astounding conversation. She is quite the conversationalist. Wise beyond her years. I could see why Y/n adored her the way she did. Poppy had a sense of justice for the beasts without a voice. Soft, and caring yet ready to crucio anyone who tried to hurt those around her. Garreth must've been accidental because I'm still trying to figure out what she found so funny in the Weasley boy. Imelda. The worse gossip and flying snob there was in the whole of Slytherin house. But Y/n found a way to dull her edges. To make her one of the loyalist friends she had. Unafraid to fight for Y/n at a moment's notice.

Y/n had more friends than I had mentioned, but she still found time to keep them in her life. She was the one for affections. She is the one that deserved it all. Here I was, standing just behind her as her friends surrounded her, taking me in as an afterthought to keep the most important person happy.

"Ominis?" I was pulled from my thoughts when her soft voice rang out. I heard the book in her hands close and straightened up from my seat on the sofa. "Yes?" Darling, what could you possibly need that I can't provide? We had agreed that until Anne came around, we weren't going to be affectionate. No pet names. And as much as I was against using them in the beginning, she changed my mind about it. I wanted to hold her every second I had the chance. To kiss her cute nose when she was studying too hard in the common room.

"I think everyone went to bed already." It fully sank in how deafeningly quiet it was in the common room. Over the last few days, everyone, and by that, I mean Imelda, would pull Y/n into the dorms. Leaving me unable to spend time with her alone. I knew she did it as a way to keep Anne from feeling upset, but I was the one affected. "It seems they have darling."

She giggled and I heard as she tossed her book onto the table, landing with a soft thud. I opened my arms and felt as her warmth fell into me. "Mmmm. I like this." I chuckled into her hair, kissing the top of her head softly. Using my left hand, I tilted her chin up to look at me. I longed to feel that wonderful gaze of hers.

Her cheeks grew warmer under my touch and I couldn't help but smile wider. "Embarrassed?" She nodded and she moved herself up. "If only you knew how handsome you are. You give me butterflies." It was my turn to blush as her hands touched the side of my face lightly. She pulled me in, her lips pressing against my cheeks in random areas. "You have moles here." Kiss. "Here." Kiss. "Here." Her voice trailed off as she pressed her lips against mine.

Clever girl. I breathed in as her arms wrapped around me. Pulling her to sit with her legs across my lap, I couldn't help but keep her close as she deepened the kiss. Y/n continued to trail her kisses down my jaw, and a moan escaped my lips. "Darling. Be careful." I felt her smile against my neck and the little nip she gave as she continued kissing it softly.

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