Hidden Truths

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How long had it been now? 6 days? A week? Yes, that's right, a full week since we had a real conversation. A full week since I heard her soft voice speaking to me in the middle of the night. A week since I was able to smell that delicate scent of peaches that I've grown so fond of.

"Ominis, we really should get going. We're going to be late for potions." Anne's voice rang out in the loud common room and I got to my feet. Running my fingers through my hair, I felt as a few pieces fell into my eyes. I must look terrible. I haven't been able to sleep without her witty conversation before bed. "I don't really feel well enough to go Anne. I'd rather just rest in the hospital wing."

I felt as Sebastian patted my shoulder. "You look like Hell Ominis. Are you sure you're going to be well enough to help Poppy tomorrow?" I nodded and held out my wand. I could 'see' the silhouette of everyone in the common room. Except hers. I had hoped that by agreeing to help, she'd be there, but everyone seems to be helping her avoid me.

Anne's hand clasped around my arm and put my wand down. "Has she been in her room at all?" I felt her squeeze me ever so slightly as if she didn't want to answer. "No. And most of her clothes are gone. I think Imelda is bringing it to where ever she's hiding out." I made a mental note to speak to her later.

"This isn't right. Where is she? Why is she avoiding me?" I could feel the Sallow twins staring at me as we made our way to potions. It was one of the few classes I shared with her. One that she always arrived late to, and was the first to leave. She didn't even greet me with her usual hellos anymore.

I sighed and walked with them to class. Once seated, I felt as Anne took it upon herself to take Y/n's seat. One that I had always saved for her. Class had begun and as soon as Professor Sharpe started speaking, he stopped and sighed. "Ms Pendragon. You're making a terrible habit. Late again and you'll get detention. 10 points from Slytherin."

I turned my ear towards her barely audible footsteps and heard as she mumbled her apologies before taking a seat in the back. "Hey Natty. Eric." They began whispering but it was too soft for me to hear. I began shaking my leg on the floor as I ran my hands through my hair. I was getting angry. She didn't even have the decency to tell me what I did wrong.

Anne's hand pressed against my knee and I pulled away. "Oh, Ominis. I.. I just wanted to ask if you were ok." I nodded and shot her a smile. "Just fine." Class seemed to drone on and in a rare instance; we were able to roam after the lecture. I stood up, ready to face her when I heard her voice. "Professor Sharpe? May I use the restroom?"

He must've nodded because the next thing I heard was her footsteps running out of the class. "Does she hate me?" I sat down in defeat but felt as an unfamiliar hand pressed against my shoulder. "Quite the opposite. She is just dealing with a few things right now. I'm sure she'll come back to you soon." It was Natty. "Can you tell her that she knows she can come to me with anything?"And I mean anything. It hurt not having her around.

Natty spoke quietly and leaned in to do so. "I shall. Is there anything else you need to tell her?" I nodded and sighed. "That I'm angry. And I miss her." She patted my shoulder softly before walking back to her seat. Anne rested her own hand on my arm and I turned to face her. "Are you sure she didn't tell you what was wrong? She seems to be talking to every friend but us."

She didn't answer me as it was time to go. I grabbed my wand and stood up. "I think I'd like to be alone Anne." I walked off without awaiting her answer and made my way to the undercroft. I needed a quiet place to think. To calm my thoughts from whatever was happening with y/n.

Upon entering, I listened quietly. When I didn't hear any breathing, footsteps or any indication that someone was in the room, I unleashed a spell from my wand. "Bombarda!" I pointed it opposite to where I stood heard the sound of something catching fire. A few more destructive spells and I had tired myself out.

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