Room of Requirement.

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!!Everyone is 18+ Just a quick reminder!!


I woke up the next morning with her warmth pressed against my chest. Y/n's head rested on my right arm, while my left hand grasped something soft. "Are you awake yet? You've been holding my breast for about 10 minutes." Immediately, I pulled my hand away and she started giggling. My face grew hot as I tried to pull away. Y/n had other plans.

Rolling me onto my back, I felt as she sat on top of me. Her legs on either side of my waist, keeping me in place. She leaned down and began smothering my face in kisses. "I'm- sorry- I." She wouldn't let me get a word out as she laughed between each kiss. When I smiled up at her, she seemed to have stopped to catch her breath.

My hands rested on her hips. I could feel as her long strands of hair brushed against my cheek at times, signaling that she was still leaned over me. I was engulfed in her scent of peaches and felt my heart race. "You look beautiful this morning. I know you do." I reached up and Y/n's hand took my own, placing her face in it for me to caress.

There was a moment of silence before I sat up, with her still in my lap. "I'm sorry for... touching you." I trailed off, once again feeling as my face grew hotter. "It's quite alright Ominis. I didn't mind. Really." Y/n guided my hands to rest on her legs and I sighed contentedly. "You mentioned wanting to feel every curve of my body. I thought that maybe you started and forgot to inform me."

She said it with a laugh and I smiled at her. "Trust me when I say that you'll know when I start darling." I swept my thumbs against the smoothness of her skin and heard as she let in a gasp. "But right now, you're making it difficult for me to stay a gentleman." I slid my hands up her legs and rested them just at the hem of her underwear.

"One moment, you're apologizing for groping me. The next, you're groping me with intent." Her hands found the sides of my face and I felt as her fingers combed my messy hair back. I smiled up at her as she kissed the tip of my nose. "I will only touch you with your consent my love. Just once. That's-"

"I consent to everything you want to do to me." I laughed at how quick she was to cut me off. I removed my hands from her body and brought them up to the shirt she wore. "So, if I were to undo these buttons..?" I started to unfasten them slowly and heard as her breathing quickened. "I..I'd be alright with that."

I took my time, listening to her little gasps as I undid a few of them, not all. Pulling her into me, I placed one small kiss on her chest. I let my lips linger so I could feel just how fast her heart was beating. Y/n let her hips grind against mine and I pulled away smiling. "Tsk tsk tsk. Did you forget about last night? Not here."

She slid off of me with a groan and I chuckled as I felt her take my arm and pulled me to lay with her once again. "You're teasing me Ominis. Where could we possibly be alone long enough to do that? And don't say the undercroft." I intertwined my fingers with hers and buried my nose into her hair. "I'm not Sebastian. I wouldn't take you just anywhere." I kissed her fingers and sighed. "I'll admit, it's a bit difficult. We're never really alone. And if I could take you here, I would. The lack of true privacy is something we all have to deal with."

It was the truth. Every day that we've been together, the hold I had on my self control was slipping. With every kiss, every whisper, I fought the urge to make her mine. Truly mine. The only thing stopping me was knowing we'd be caught. And I couldn't stand the thought of someone seeing her vulnerable, and exposed before I could.

Before her, I had given up on the hope of sight. Of someone finding the cure. But every day she reminds me that she's working towards it. She wasn't going to stop until she achieved her goal. That's one thing I loved and hated about her. She was determined. No matter how tired and rundown she would get, she'd still keep going until she accomplished everything she set her sights on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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