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The morning after the ball, I woke up with a smile on my face. If I closed my eyes, I could still feel Ominis's arms around me. I could feel his warmth as we danced together. My right hand reached up, fingers clasping around the stone of the necklace he gave me. Last night felt like a dream.

Throwing my legs over my bed, I smiled over at Anne who was looking at me confused. "Where did you get that necklace? Were you wearing it last night?" I glanced down and began gathering my everyday clothes for the weekend. "Ominis gave it to me when we spoke before the ball. Said he found it weeks ago." I raised a brow and looked at the hurt expression on her face. "Why? What's wrong Anne?"

I straightened up as she looked at me. "Oh, it was for you?" I tilted my head, curious by what she meant. "For me? Did you know about this?" She nodded and quickly got dressed. "I found it the day he rode your thestral. I was putting something of Sebastian's away and I saw the box in Ominis' bag. I... I thought it was for me."

"He knows I adore anything purple. I'm sure he did it out of friendship." Was I trying to convince Anne? Or myself? I watched as she rolled her eyes and out of the corner of mine, I could see Imelda peeking from her bed. Oh great. There will be gossip in the common room later. "Maybe. But I know him better than you." She shot me a saddened look and gathered her bag. "I've got plans with him this morning. Should I cancel?"

Shaking my head, I leaned against my bed post. "No, why would you? Keep him as busy as you can today. I've got plans with Poppy and Gareth." Anne nodded once before walking off. Imelda slid off her bed and made her way towards me.

"I thought Anne knew..?" My head immediately snapped in her direction. "Knew what, Imelda??" She looked at me as if I were an idiot. "That Ominis is in love with you." I laughed and began to get dressed just as quickly as Anne did. "Oh please. Ominis views me as family. He said so the end of 5th year."

Imelda put her hand on my arm to get every bit of my attention. "Ominis is in love with you. He knows what your footsteps sound like, and announces your arrival before any one of us notices. He brings you pumpkin pasties when you're feeling sad about anything. Have you seen the way he smiles when you talk?"

I shied away from her touch and pulled my blouse over my head. "He can't be Imelda." She crossed her arms and raised a brow at me. "And why is that?" I ran my fingers through my messy hair, trying to braid it as quickly as I could. "She was robbed of any sort of happiness her entire 5th year. I wasn't going to take anything else away from Anne. I told myself I wouldn't. He isn't mine."

Fighting the lump I had growing in my throat, I smoothed out the wrinkles in my blouse and grabbed my wand. "If you'll excuse me, I've got to get to Poppy before I'm late. I'll see you at the quidditch pitch later." Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I looked at her, pleadingly. "And don't tell them about this ok? I don't want to cause a rift." Imelda sighed and begrudgingly nodded. "Alright. Go."

I waved and left the dorms, making my way out and to the common room. "Oh y/n. Anne and I-" I cleared my throat and turned toward the stairs to the exit. "Sorry guys. I'm already late. Bye." I ran up without hearing them out and out of the Slytherin house doors. I practically ran until I found Poppy and Gareth by the beasts classroom outside.

"Y/n! You're early. I wasn't expecting you for a bit." She glanced at Gareth and I smiled at them both. "Sorry. Should I come back later?" They shook their heads and Poppy took my arm. "Gareth, can you make sure Persephone has enough food? I've got to get some things with Y/n." He nodded and walked off, while she led me towards the Puffskiens.

"You're not ok. I can see it on your face." I sighed and scratched my brow. "I can't talk about it right now. Can you both just... Help me avoid Ominis and Anne?" Judging by the look on her face, she knew too. "Oh, did he finally tell you? She wasn't happy was she?" My face dropped and my eyes narrowed at her. "Ok, am I the only one that didn't know??"

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