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The school year had begun. Here we sat, in the Great Hall, listening to the new batch of 1st years getting sorted. Y/n sat to my left, Anne and Sebastian to my right. I could feel as y/n would brush against me on occasion, but she was fully engrossed in a conversation with Imelda. "Oh come on Pendragon. You've got to try out this year. It's our last year. Where's your house spirit?"

I could hear as she groaned and shifted food around on her plate. "With my family, travelling the world." It was a rare instance that she'd mention her family. I turned my ear more towards her and felt as she smacked her spoon against my hand. "No being nosey Ominis. I can tell when you're tuned in to the gossip." Taking my hand back, I sighed. "Well what else am I supposed to do? I-"

Headmaster Black's voice started booming through the room, silencing everyone that tried to speak. "It's the new year, with new students, and returning faces." There were faint whispers amongst the 1st years, but I assume one sharp glare from Black silenced them. "Not to be outdone by our American counterpart, Ilvermorny, I've decided to host a beginning of the year ball."

I could hear every girl gasp with excitement. "In exactly 2 weeks, on a Friday, 5th, 6th and 7th year students will be allowed to attend said ball, to boost morale for the rest of the school year." The chatter started and I couldn't hear him speak anymore. "Oh y/n! We should go to Madam Iris's boutique in hogsmeade for dresses!"

Y/n let out a groan and dropped her utensil into her plate. "Can it wait? I have so many plans this week. I can't really be bothered to cancel them all to go dress shopping." I could sense that she was uncomfortable. Anne chimed in from my right and I could hear how excited she was. "A ball, the beginning of the year? And the Yule ball around Christmas? This is going to be so much fun!"

Y/n shifted in her seat beside me and I heard as she got up. "I'm going to go to bed early. I've got things to do in the morning." She patted my shoulder and I could hear her footsteps hurrying away. Imelda moved closer to me to talk to Anne on the other side. "That was weird. Does y/n not like dances?" Imelda was staring at me, I could feel it.

Shrugging I dug into my food. "She danced with Sebastian over the summer, so that might not be it." I felt displeased at the memory. Her laughter as he stepped on her toes. She was genuinely happy then. Why was she so uncomfortable now? "Are you alright Ominis? You've got your nose turned up at something." I nodded and turned to Anne with a smile. "I'm fine." I didn't elaborate and waited until it was time for bed to make my way toward the common rooms.

I don't know how long I sat there, listening to the chatter. Hearing the excitement in everyone's voices should've made me smile, but I couldn't. The 1st through 4th years were complaining about missing the whole event, but were happy to get some time to themselves without the older years bothering them.

When the noise died down, I finally realized that I was alone. I could hear the soft waves outside of the castle walls. The occasional bubbling in the water against the glass, put me further at ease. "Oh, Ominis. I thought you'd be in bed." There was an added weight to my right and I smiled. "Y/n. I didn't hear you come in. Why are you awake?"

I felt her warmth right next to me as she laid her head on my shoulder. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Bad dream. Thought I'd come here and stare out of the windows until I calmed down." She adjusted my arm, so my hand sat between her knees. I felt my face go hot and tried not to move much. "Why are you awake?"

I was at a loss for words. We sat in silence for what felt like hours, when only minutes had passed. "Am I making you uncomfortable? I'm sorry." Y/n went to move but I shook my head and pressed my hand down on her knee firmly, signaling her not to move. "No. I just... I didn't think that I made you that comfortable."

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