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"This is an important Announcement for Mobians, if you are of the Age of Fifteen to twenty, please report to the G.U.N Building"

A male hedgehog clinches his hands into a fist at the painful memory of when the testing started for mobians.

Every Mobian had a rank, that is to be determined by their blood, determined on color of your blood is the rank that you, and are rather forced to follow in the role in life.

If your blood changed color to being yellow, or pink, you were classified as an Omega, or Hermaphrodite.

Omegas are the lowest ranks, that a mobian could get, since they are seen as nothing but a lower class, they didn't get much respect, and the jobs that they could get...is lest than none, they aren't pay enough, and seen only as an object than a normal mobian, though is a male is an Omega, they are treated must worst than their female counterparts, as a male they are mostly seen as breeding partner...most of the males Omegas weren't educated, and could only get jobs as a prostitute. If your blood color turned pink, you are a rare Omega, none as a hermaphrodite, a mobian that is born with both reproductive organs, though most of these are males, who are born with a uterus, they are treated just as worst, as normal male omegas. Though the most unique thing about Omegas, is that Males have the ability to get pregnant, by their Alphas whether they are female or male.

If your blood changed color to a purple or a pale purple, you are a Beta or Futa Beta.

This rank, is med rank, they aren't mistreated like Omegas, but aren't respected as much as the highest Rank, this rank can have partners that are Omegas or Alphas, and unlike omegas, only the females can get pregnant, if your blood changed colors to a pale purple, you are Futa, a female that is born with both reproductive organs, both of which are visible on the body they are the only ones that can date a male omega.

If you blood changed color to a deep blue, and sky blue, you are an Alpha.

Alphas are the most respected ranks amongst mobians, and are the most powerful ranks a mobian could get...of course depending on the mobian themself, if a female their blood with be a sky blue, thus making them Futa Females, if that are dating a normal male Beta, or a Normal Female Beta, they have the ability to become pregnant, or get their partners pregnant.

Each of the ranks are have their own corresponding arm bands to tell others what their ranks.

Pink and Yellow arm bands are Hermaphrodites and Omegas.

Purple and Pale Purple arm bands are Betas and Futa Betas.

Dark Blue and Sky Blue arm bands are Alphas and Futa Alphas.

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A male blue hedgehog, who had bruises on around his neck from being roughly handle, his back is stained with dried blood, from what looked like deep whip marks, same with his chest, deep cuts on his arms from him just self-harming himself, same with his bruised legs, he has a pale peach muzzle, underbelly, and arms, a slim, slender, curvy figure, with wide hips and thick thighs and legs. A visible permanent bite mark on his shoulder, and a flame symbol on his hip, wearing a red plaid light jacket with a gray hood, baggy jeans that were torn at the heels, as well as red sneakers and a pink arm band. This is Sonic Maurice Hedgehog. He was the hero of Mobius before this whole Rank Thing happened, since his rank became public...people didn't really see him as a hero anymore, just someone who was trying to be one, so he was stripped of that title.

Sonic pushes open the door to, a building his muzzle was stained with his own tears.

"Sorry but w-SONIC!!" A yellow fox called out, wearing a brown pilot jacket, with custom badges, a white t-shirt underneath and a brown shorts with extra pockets, a pair of pilot goggles on his forehead. This is Miles 'Tails' Prower, Sonic's best friend, and little brother figure, since he was only twelve years old, he didn't have to go through this whole ranking system, like the rest of his friends. The fox rushed over to the hedgehog. "What happened Sonic? Where i-"

"I-it's over..." Sonic stammers, the hedgehog was to weak to continue, nor did he want to talk about his mate...during his whole walk, he ran into so many Alpha Mobians...that just took his hermaphrodite rank against him, just so they can anger this so call Alpha that had marked the former hero. He just hugs his best friend and just started sobbing...he was broken...just completely broken.

Miles wraps his arms back around the hedgehog, he didn't really understand, but he assumed it was for the best to not ask until his brother was ready. He definitely was gonna have to give this Alpha a call for hurting his brother.

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