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Scourge wipes the blood away from his lip, unlike Shadow he was less corporative with Towe, though he had every right to not believe them, since he's seen the harm that they caused to his Omega...he wanted to tear every single agent apart with his bare hands, but instead he had to unleashed his anger out on some pathetic criminals, that deserved worse than just jail time.

He can handle a lot...pain, torture, a good beating, but what he couldn't handle was seeing his omega in pain, any for that matter...it just brought back bad memories of him being a terrible boyfriend towards the other. He looked down at his hands in shame...sure he apologizes for his actions, towards Sonic, but  did the omega truly forgive him, he didn't know answer to that.

"Hey Slime Ball!"

Scourge growled at the name calling, though he's been called much worst by other criminals, he just turned his attention to the Soldier that shouted at him.

"You are needed in Ward Twelve" The Soldier ordered.

Scourge only rolled his eyes, compared to Shadow, who had regenerative abilities, do to his Black Arm Alien DNA, he did not...he was still fully Mobian that just had his abilities increased when he absorbed energy from the Master Emerald, even then he still can get injured like any normal mobian, since he was in charge of taking down criminals that had escaped or came to Green Hill Island legally, none of his fights were easy, since he knew them personally, and they hated him. He just made his way in that direction...he didn't need any patching up, what he needed was his Omega to be out of this Shit of place. When arrived to the ward. The metal door opened to the let Scourge inside.

"Thank you for coming Ag-"

"Just do your job...so I can fucking leave this place" Scourge hissed.

The female flinch a little, being the only medical specialist for Mobians, which there were a lot of in the organization. "Well I didn't call you in here for that...the Omega refuses to come of his cage"

Scourge's attention was turned back to the female, when he heard the word Omega...the only Omega that was in this darn place, was Sonic. Even if he is wearing a pink armband, he still fell under the omega rank. "Let me see him" he ordered.

The female moved out of the way, to show Scourge, Sonic, and she was right...he refused to leave the safety of the cage, but not only that his peach arms were stained a nice crimson color, it pained him to see the omega in this state. "Sonic..."

The blue hedgehog's ears perked up, when he heard the familiar voice, his emerald eyes peered over to Scourge. The emerald hedgehog got down onto his knees...before the female felt a gust of wind and the sound of the cage hitting the wall behind it when Sonic bolted forward.

She only grasped her chest at the sight of the blue hedgehog...it's only been two months, and the Commander as well as those scientists were pushing the poor omega to his limits...when she moved slightly to get her equipment.

"Hey it's okay...She's here to help you" Scourge tells the hedgehog who was holding onto him.

The female thought for a moment, before she started to remove her lab coat, a name tag falling onto the floor, Jaiden Stone.

"Thank you...for getting him out of there, after the testing they put him through they always drop him off here to get examined and patched up." Jaiden explained as she lets out a small sigh.

Scourge got up from the floor holding Sonic in his arms, he only looks down at the Omega, despite everything that he's going through...he still showed Scourge compassion.

"Today just isn't any different..." Jaiden added as she unclips the collar from Sonic's neck the metal bits where the electricity comes from was covered in dried blood, and pieces of Sonic's flesh.

Scourge just kept his attention towards his injured Omega, he really missed hearing him purr, and seeing him smile...nowadays he could only see the pain in Sonic's eyes.

With Scourge...Sonic was a lot calmer, than when he was alone with Jaiden, who never did anything but to comfort him, and give him a longer time to heal up as well as give him extra meals...but he was just agitated.

"Okay this is gonna sting" Jaiden warned as she started to apply the cream onto the burn areas that were on Sonic's body, the blue hedgehog just tighten his grip on Scourge, as it just cause the burns to hurt more.

Scourge was used to the squeeze, since he didn't want let go of Sonic, not when he was like this.

When it was all over, Jaiden kept the collar off of Sonic, since she needed to clean it. "Your not gonna send him back...are you?"

Jaiden shook her head "At this rate he's gonna have to stay here, because of the wounds...but you are welcome to visit Agent Scourge" she smiled "He must really mean a lot to you"

Scourge didn't say anything as he get off of the small operation table, with Sonic in his arms. "Do have a place where I can lay with him"

Jaiden knew Scourge was avoiding the question, but she didn't bother asking it again...seeing that Scourge can be aggressive, she just pointed to other room where their were empty beds with curtains to give privacy, Sonic's cage was already moved there...seeing that there wasn't any cameras in either room, and the lack of Soldiers checking in on this place.

Sonic nuzzles into Scourge, he really wanted to say something to him...but his throat was just throbbing in pain, than he was starting to get tired cause of the shoot. "I...I forgive you..." he finally said

Scourge pinned his ears to his skull, he grumbles under he breath, as he just pulled Sonic closer to his lap, "I'm not gonna stop fighting, for you" he told Sonic "You just mean to much to me"

Sonic tugs at Scourge's jacket, the emerald hedgehog only rolled his eyes as he started to take off his black leather jacket, the omega saw the bruises and cuts on the Alpha's peach fur, he didn't really see any wounds on Shadow, but on Scourge...it kind of worried him.

"I'm fine Blue...I've been through worse, your the one I care about" Scourge admits.

Sonic shakes his head as he turned to face the Alpha, "Y-Your important..." he struggles. "Be careful..."

"Will you stop talking...as much as I missed your voice, I don't want you to lose it permanently"

Sonic had a little blood on his lip, from his throat, not that he noticed, but Scourge did, he leans up to kiss Sonic "Just save that beautiful voice for me"

Sonic's face heated up at what Scourge meant by that, he lets out a small squeak, "Mmm!" He muffles feeling Scourge's tongue in his mouth.

When they pulled apart, there was thin strain of saliva between their tongues, "I know...I don't say it often...but I really do love you"

Sonic nuzzles into Scourge's cheek, to tell him that he loved him back, it was kind of the only thing that he could do that wasn't speaking. Scourge just wrapped his arms around the smaller male pulling his jacket over the male to be a blanket, "I'm not gonna go anywhere...not this time..." he whispers into Sonic's ear.

Jaiden looked down at the floor as she felt really for the two Alphas...what the Commander was doing was something that disgusted her, she lets out a small sigh...she could help to get out of this situation, but it would be at a cause of her own life. Though this that was a risk she was gonna take.

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