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Sonic was sitting on the bathroom floor, he didn't want to be a bother to his friends cause he couldn't do anything...well to his own mind at least, it's only been a few weeks since he left Scourge, and he just hasn't gotten better, after the incident with those gang members, he kind of refused to go outside, he didn't eat much, couldn't be trusted to take a shower by himself cause of him trying to scrub away the filth which was in fact his own skin.

"We can't send him there!?"

Sonic's ears perked up, as he was just sitting in bathtub, his arms were red cause of the constant scrubbing, leaving a thick rash on his arms, So far his calm space had been the bathroom, it was a good excuse for him to be by himself.

"And you have better ideas! At least at this place they have train professionals"

The blue hedgehog just pinned his ear down to his skull, since he got back home...Tails had been worried sick about him, Rouge did her best to explain the situation, so did Shadow, but he did most of the talking...just without his speed the only thing that he could rely on...failing him, he's just gone completely useless.

Over the Weeks, he just hadn't gotten better, he talked less, and was always looking out the window, wearing the clothes that had Scourge's scent all over them, refused to sleep in his own bed, if he wasn't looking out the window he was either staring at his phone. Tails had done his best to get the hedgehog to be himself before Scourge came into his life, but even he didn't get much effort, neither Amy when she came to visit.

"No...as much as I hate to admit it...Tails, but Sonic is better off over there, who knows my be they can help him find another Alpha, or Beta"

The blue hedgehog looked over at the brochure, for an Omega Institution, it was a place where Omegas can go when they have no where else to go, it was kind of like a Old Person Home. It wasn't a second thought as he just got out of the bathroom, he was still strong...and he didn't this dumb institution to help him.

When the door to the bathroom open, to reveal Tails and Amy, "Sonic?" To their surprise the bathroom was empty.

"He didn't!" Amy called out as she rushed into the bathroom.

Tails saw that the window was open, Sonic wasn't one to just run away...not from anything...well that was in the past when he didn't get that stupid rank. "W-We have to find him...b-before someone else does..." Tails said as he was doing his best to cry at the moment, the thought of losing his brother scared more than seeing his brother depressed.

"R-Right!" Amy called out, as she followed Tails out of the bathroom.

"Sonic...we are only trying to help you..." Tails thought to himself.

Sonic didn't know where he was running to, he just wanted to be as far away from that place as possible...so far he didn't know who he could trust, first his friends were supportive towards him...and now they think he's also weak, and want to send him away. He didn't really slow down for anything, he was just gonna run until his gave out.

That's the only thing he could do...he couldn't fight, his quills were to dull, and he couldn't really hide for ever since he would be found eventually.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic's legs eventually gave out on him, causing him to just painfully come to stop, he looked around to find that he was outside of the city, well a good nine hundred miles away from the city.

At least he was safe...Right?

He just wraps his own arms around himself, as he just fell to his knees, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Maybe being away from civilization would help him get back to his old self, someone that wasn't so weak, someone that can defend themself.

"They Lied to me..." he said to himself, "They didn't care about me...they just wanted to see me suffer..." he continued. "Just...like him..." he mutters to himself.

He looked around for somewhere that he could be his shelter, though his legs were throbbing and just continued onwards, he can rest when he found somewhere that can shield himself from the elements. It was long and painful walk before he found a cave he just crawls inside the opening and just curls up into a ball, he was tired and sore. If they found him...he'll just run away again.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

A solider wearing a navy blue uniform with G.U.N written on the sleeve, presses a button on his headset that was in his ear. "Sir the Omega had been spotted...and he's alone"

"Perfect...grab him and bring him to Headquarters immediately"

"Understood Sir"

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