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Sonic was back into his chamber, he body was shivering in fear...his muzzle stained around the mouth cause of the blood from his mouth.

He had gotten a bath earlier, as much as Towe hated Mobians...he needed the Omega to be in good health if he wanted to control the two Alphas...but they wanted Sonic to suffer, during the bath he was treated as animal, he was constantly dunked into the water and a rough scrubbing which only peeled away the dead the skin.

Sonic only curls up into a ball, as he was trying to stop himself from crying.

Why did he run away that night? If he didn't leave Scourge that day than he would be putting the alphas in danger like this, let allow himself.

The blue hedgehog forced himself to stand...though his legs started shaking cause of the weight, it was clear that they pushed him hard, his legs were bruised and swollen from the constant running that he could barely even walk, he lets out a few whimpers as his paws were starting to sting causing of the blister on the padding on his paws, he was about to fall over before someone caught him.


Sonic looked up to see that it was Shadow, he hadn't the metal doors open. Was he hallucinating? No it felt to real to be an hallucination.

"S-Shadow?" Sonic stammers he felt his arms being wrapped around the other hedgehog for support.

"I just a feeling that you needed me" Shadow admits, in fact that wasn't the case he just saw the Scientists wash the omega...he knew Sonic had a fear of water, well mostly drowning.

Sonic just had tears in his eyes as he just started to sob into the other hedgehog, though it was painful cause of his throat...but it was better to let it out than  to keep it in.

Shadow cuffs Sonic's cheeks and started to wipe away the tears with his thumbs, he saw the blood stain around the omega's mouth...the urge to just claim the omega was getting to him, though he couldn't that...not when he was already marked by someone else, the emblem was very visible on the omega's body now that he wasn't wearing anything, same with that permanent bite mark, but his body was moving on its own.

Sonic flinches when felt Shadow's tongue lick up the blood that was around his mouth before pressing his lips onto his own. "Mmm..." He moaned.

"No...I can't do this, not to Scourge...b-but my body refuses to move" Sonic thought. His body stiffens when feeling hands trace his curves before pulling away from the kiss a thick strain of saliva between their tongues. He bites his bottom lip feeling the Alpha's breath on his sore neck. "Come on...Sonic you belong to Scourge...he marked you, you shouldn't be enjoying this!" He mentally screamed to himself.

A soft moan escapes his lips, feeling Shadow's warm tongue on his bruised neck, his body just refused to stop Shadow...no matter how much his mind yelled at him. He felt something poking his thigh, it was hard. He knew what it was. "I c-can't...Scourge, I'm sorry...but my body is refusing to listen" he protested.

Shadow knew what he was doing was wrong, but his body just wanted Sonic...his touch, his scent, the softness of his lips...he can only hope that Sonic could forgive him for this, he lifted the omega up and started rubbing his cock against the other hedgehog's crotch.

Sonic's body shivers at the feeling, he couldn't really moan...much cause of his throat, so his body had to do all the talking, with his vulva already being wet...just from the soft gentle groping, it apparent that he wanted it, he lets out a breathe feeling the tip pressing into his entrance, before a whimper escapes his lips from his insides being spread from the cock that was pushing further into his vagina.

Shadow moans against Sonic's shoulder at the tight squeeze, on his cock. The omega's soft breathing was telling him that he was enjoying it, just started licking the small scar on the omega's shoulder, as he he slowly started to buck his hips.

Sonic tightens his grip around Shadow's neck, his ears tilted back, "Why does it feel so good..." His thoughts started, his breathing softens as his muscles started to relax, he can just hear Shadow moaning...it sounded nice.

Shadow started bouncing Sonic on his cock, a lot quicker now, he only wished that he could hear Sonic moan, besides rely on the omega's body language.

"Hah...S-Shadow~" Sonic quietly moaned out, which only got Shadow's face to go red, even though it was raspy, it was still adorable.

Sonic's body stiffens and he whimpers when he felt fangs brush against his shoulders. He lets out a gasp, when felt the bite on his shoulder warm liquid started to plow out of the bite mark, "He...claimed me..." Sonic's mind commented. He squeaks feeling Shadow's hand grip his thigh pulling him deeper down onto his cock. He hadn't realized that he had started drooling, as well as his eyes started to water, when Shadow started to speeding up. "Please...don't cum inside..." his mind begged.

As much as Shadow tried keeping his load to himself, the tightness of Sonic's uterus was squeezing his cock, and his body having a mind of its own, he just pulls the omega into a kiss, before releasing his load into the omega's uterus.

Sonic pinned his ears down to his skull, as he felt the warm fluid rush up into his uterus, a small burning sensation coming from his lower back, as a red emblem embedded itself onto Sonic's body...he had been marked...marked by two Alphas.

When the two pulled away from the kiss, Sonic started whimpering, he enjoyed it...why did he enjoy it? Then his fear turned towards Scourge, and his aggressive nature.

Shadow cuffs Sonic's face, "I'm sorry...I just"

Sonic only buries his face into his second mates neck, he didn't care about that...since it wasn't rape...he really did enjoy the sex, he just didn't want Scourge to hurt Shadow because of this.

Shadow just held Sonic close to him, he didn't know if he should be a shame of himself or glad that Sonic enjoyed it, his eyes traced over to Scourge's emblem and mark, he knew that Scourge wasn't gonna be happy to see his own mark and emblem, but he really couldn't help himself. Like Scourge he too really cared about Sonic.

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