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Word started to go around the gang, of the three birds taking advantage of someone last night, something just to make Scourge's eyes roll.

Scourge was just sitting at his desk, listening to all of his gang members spread gossip about the other gang that had invaded his territory, not only that but those pesky G.U.N agents trying to put a stop to everything.

His attention was drawn over to his actual phone, that he had hacked into so that it doesn't give of signals to where he was located...he picks up his phone turning it on, to only be greeted with a photo of Sonic peacefully sleeping in his jacket, if anything he wasn't looking at that but at the notification...Maybe his omega called him or Text him...sadly no.

Scourge just rest head on the desk, he was hurting...not physically but mentally, he just felt so lonely without his Omega, that not even the thought of drugs could make him happy, his ears perked up when he heard the door to his office suddenly fly open, he only growls at the unwanted guest since he'd rather be alone at a time like this.

"Sorry Boss...but one of our members had taken a photo of something that you should look at" The Badger said as he walked over to the emerald hedgehog and placed down the photo in question.

To Scourge's surprise, it was his Omega, but instead of being with friends, he was with one of the two G.U.N agents, as angry as his is...one thing just stood out to him, the new bruises on the hedgehog's arms.


"Keep an eye on him..." Scourge ordered.

The Badger nodded and quickly left the office, leaving Scourge alone with his thoughts. He just looked at the photo, that shaking feeling started to comeback to him.

Why did his hurt the person that he cared about so much? Why couldn't he express his emotions vocally?

He knew that him and Sonic were meant to be together, not because they were polar opposites, but because of how both supported each other.

Sonic mentally rely on people, it was just how his mind processes it, physically he wasn't capable of protecting himself now that he body grow into that omega role that he plays, but he was mentally strong, which is the reason why he struggles so much on just giving up. And Scourge physically rely on people, mostly because he was already mentally broken and just struggles on physical showing his emotions, growing up being physically strong was a better way to prove your worth, something that he had learned to hard way, do to his parents physically beating him, and neglecting him, for not living up to their standards, he proved them wrong by just murdering them when he was twelve.

Though his original plan for Sonic, was to just straight up him to get control over Mobius himself, the blue hedgehog's strong attitude changed his mind...he wanted to rule but with Sonic by his side.

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