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Shadow was looking over the camera feed to see if anyone had tried to break in or found the new home that wasn't one of Sonic's friends, so far only a few flickies and wild animals had checked out the house before going off to do something else.

"Good Evening Shadow!" Sonic smiled at his other mate.

"Yes good evening...is there a reason why that Snot Rag was holding you in the way that he was?" Shadow asked.

Sonic blinked before his muzzle turned a shade of pink realizing what Shadow was talking about. "I think I'm gonna take a shower..." he said changing the subject, before he could leave however Shadow grabbed a hold of his wrist pulling him onto the other's lap.

"I don't think so..." Shadow mutters, Sonic's ears tilted back, he was kind of embarrassed about Shadow seeing him like that...since it was kind of Scourge's fault for making him a little sex addict, unlike Scourge though he had a little more control over his impulses, and needs. He couldn't help but to purr softly when Shadow started rubbing his ear.

"What happened last night? I heard you crying in the bathroom?"

Sonic looked away, "I...I don't want to talk about it" he admits, he already confessed to Scourge how he felt and with Shadow being the Ultimate Lifeform...he really didn't have to worry about him as much as he did for Scourge at least that's why he thought but he really couldn't do that to him, he is still a mobian.

"Actually...it was just, about you guys..." Sonic admits "I just hate myself for being so useless and putting you both into that mess"

"Listen Sonic...I'm already having problems with Towe, that's personal...and when that problem involves you I'll do whatever it takes to help out"

Sonic shook his head. "It's not that...It's just that before I got this stupid rank...and got older I just gotten weak, to the point that I was only bringing my friends down and letting everyone down" Sonic said as he grips his hoodie.

"And yet you still have people looking up to you...I mean Tails still sees you as a hero"

Sonic already knew that, his brother tells him that everyday when he started showing signs of depression, Hell even Amy...but see everyone in Mobius call Shadow, the Hero of Mobius, was what broke him.

It was as if his place in the world had been taken from him, so he started underage drinking...and cutting himself, he lost the very thing that kept him going, that purpose. But since he was a low rank that gave Alphas and Betas, a chance to harass him, it didn't really matter how they did it...through beating, verbally abusing, sexual harassment, or worst.

The Mobian police system were useless, since there was no law for mistreatment of unmarked Omegas.

Then Scourge found him in the alleyway getting harassed, at first he thought the Emerald Hedgehog would join in cause he was the one that him into jail, but instead he save him...if anything Sonic was actually hoping for death, either by alcohol poisoning, or blood loss.

"I don't hate you...for taking my title, I didn't deserve it anyways" Sonic admits. Shadow lifted up Sonic's chin so that he was looking at the other male "I'm sure he probably already told you, but I'm glad that you didn't continue all of that"

"Still have that intention of going back to do all those things...I never saw you cried before, or Scourge" Sonic admits "Scourge told the reason why he was crying...but you don't have to tell me"

Shadow glances away from Sonic, the start of the third week during Sonic's capture...he's been rather avoiding sleep, because of those nightmares, it was just same old tale of him losing Maria, but instead it was just Towe taking away the second thing that he cared about the most, that being Sonic, and seeing the hedgehog in the state that was caused him to cry cause he didn't want to lose him. He lets out a small sigh before pulling the hedgehog into a kiss on the lips.

"I just care about you...and I always did" Shadow admits.

"I care about you to-Eep!!" Sonic squeaked. Before pouting at his emo boyfriend. "You did that on purpose!"

"I couldn't help myself" Shadow admits.

"Hmph!" The Hedgehog got off of Shadow's lap, walking away to make something to eat. He was already starting to miss Rouge.

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