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Rouge lets out a sigh of relief, she mentally cursed out Towe for killing another innocent human female who wanted nothing more than Mobians to be treated equally, thus how she lost her first partner and friend Topaz. "Is everyone alright?" She asked turned to the three males.

Scourge only rolled his as he brushes off the dust off of his jacket, if anything he wanted to just kill that Commander straight up...he had the speed to do it, but he had to focus on what mattered the most that being Sonic, though the thought didn't cross his mind. "Been through worst...but I really want to show that pathetic human a piece of my mind"

Shadow only glances over at Scourge before looking at the azure hedgehog, that was still shaking and gripping onto him like his life depended on it, he was mostly trying to process what just happened in that short amount time. "I'm fine...it's him I'm worried about" he motions to Sonic.

Rouge's ear drooped as she looked at the hedgehog, base on his scars and bruises it would be better off to take him to an actual hospital. "We should take him to the hospital...from what Jaiden said despite her efforts of getting the Soldiers to not put Sonic through the physical training and little time to actually recover"

Shadow nodded as he looks around at his surroundings, it was the dead of night when they teleported, and base on the scenery they were at Station Square, it was honestly the first place that Shadow could think of in such a short amount time, though he wasn't gonna be able to do it a second time since he was already low on energy, from the morning training. "It shouldn't be a long walk"

Sonic whimpers when Scourge got close to him, it's not that he was scared on him...he just didn't want the other to see the mark on his body, and think of him as a cheater.

Shadow quickly glared at Scourge when he heard the whimper, "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if my mate, is okay" Scourge snapped back.

Rouge pulls Sonic to herself side which made both Males have a death glare match with each other. "Enough!! You two can fight later, right now we need to get Sonic the hospital" she hissed. "You can hang on me Sonic, if you can walk anymore" she calmly tells the hedgehog, Sonic did just that when the bat started walking.

The other two males follow after her, not without growling at each other.

When they arrived at the still opened Hospital, the receptionist that was sitting behind the desk, lifted her head to get a good look at the group before her eyes fell on the former hero that was struggling the most, his body visibly wounded, he looked sick...nah...looked like he was on the bring of death, even though he wasn't. "Oh my Chaos..." she said as she quickly paged the nurses to help.

Rouge had tight a pink bandanna onto Sonic's arm...since during the scuffle of the escape his armband had torn off. The nurses quickly came over with the stretcher.

They saw the marks on Sonic's body, as well as the untreated claim mark on his shoulder that was given to him by Shadow. Base on the the Bat who was l ready Marked cause of her necklace, that left the two Males who were on the defense with the human nurses, that just laid hands on their mate.

"All three of you come with me" the Third Nurse said as the other two nurses took Sonic who was whimpering and shaking since he didn't wanted to be apart from Rouge at the moment, but was terrified of the humans, that was being wheeled away on the stretcher to get operated on.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Scourge growls "Watch it!" He snapped at the nurse who was stitching up his deep wounds that he really never got treated cause of G.U.N's mobian policy, "unless they were dying leave them be." Rouge and Shadow on the hand didn't need medical attention, since they were used to get shoot at by their own employees, as well as getting injured.

Rouge lets out a small sigh as she turned off her communicator, "I told Tails that the rescue was a success...Jaiden really help us with that distraction, and the time"

"I can't just sit back and let innocent Mobians be treated like this"

Those words as well as the tears were enough to convince Rouge that they poor human had witnessed a lot during her time with G.U.N.

The Nurse wiped away the blood from Scourge's arm before taking her leave, the emerald hedgehog only scoffs and pulls his jacket back on.

The Doctor walked into the room, "Are any of you, the patients Alpha or Beta?"

Both Shadow and Scourge jumped up from their seats, only both them both to glare at each. "Listen Stripes I appreciate the help, but I can handle it from here" Scourge said shoving Shadow away.

The darker hedgehog only growled, "Like hell I'll let you let near him!"

The Doctor only turned her attention to Rouge, she wasn't gonna deal with that mess, not at this time of night.

"I'ma Friend" Rouge responded.

"Good enough for me, Come with me" She said as she opened the door and Rouge followed the doctor out of the waiting room.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was laying on the hospital bed he didn't really show much resistance towards the nurses, since they didn't really hurt him, he looked down at the leg brace on his left leg, though before they could operate on him they had to give him a bath...something that he was scared of but they were patient with him...instead of forcing him into the water. He body was wrapped up in bandages, and his shoulder had been stitched up, as well as his paws.

His ears perked up when the door opened, and Rouge walked into the room. "Hey Sonic" the bat made her way over to the hedgehog.

"W-where?" Sonic started.

"They should be over..." Rouge said.

"A-and Tails?"

"He'll come when he's free, that Kid really work hard trying to help us" Rouge added it really didn't take look for her notice the stitching on his shoulder that was in the form of a bite mark.

"Sonic did?"

Sonic pinned his ears to his skull, as tears started to form in his eyes "I...I couldn't...control my body...and I liked it..." he started sobbing. "B-But I like t-them both..."

Rouge pulls Sonic into hug "Ssh...This isn't your fault, nor is it Shadow's after all it was your hormones"

Sonic sniffs "But I-I cheated..." he whimpers. Rouge only held him close, right now she didn't care about that only his health, but seeing how much it was bothering him she really couldn't think of anything to him, since it was obvious that he didn't mean it, as well as that he loved both males.

It was an hour of Sonic's quiet sobbing before the hedgehog fell asleep in Rouge's arms do to the medicine the nurses put him on to keep him calm during the operation.

She laid Sonic down onto the pillow, before the door opened.

"Alright you two...I need to have a stern talk with you both" Rouge snapped as he grabbed both of males ears roughly causing pain to both males pulling them outside of the room.

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