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Scourge's eyes fluttered open and he lets out a small yawn, before getting up from the couch...probably the best sleep he had months, his eyes shifted over to Shadow who was sitting at the dining table sinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey Stripes" he greeted.

Shadow only glared at him before going back to his phone.

"Gee...and I thought only Exes gave each the silent treatment" Scourge mutters before going off to look for Sonic.

Shadow didn't have to like Scourge, sure they were sharing a mate, but that didn't mean he had to like him...he just couldn't fight him something that he can understand, it's not worth the risk of Sonic trying to separate them. He knew at some point he was gonna have to conversant with the other male, just at the moment he didn't feel like talking to him.

As for Sonic, he was in the bathroom, getting ready for a shower...as much as he didn't mind having his mates scents on him, he really could use a shower since it helps the stitches from getting infected. He had his spare clothes on the counter next to the sink as he was sitting on the toilet to remove the leg brace, it was painful at first since the thing was bruising his leg...his gently presses a thumb into the bruise that was making his left leg numb and unusable. But there was a also a massive nasty scar on his inner thigh that was probably cause by the physical testing he went through, he placed the leg brace next to the toilet.

He didn't hear the bathroom door open cause of the sound of the shower head.

"Looking beautiful as always Blue" Scourge said as he nuzzles into the smaller hedgehog, and planting a gentle kiss on his shoulder.

"I'ma a mess and you know that..." Sonic admits, as he was trying to keep himself from moaning cause of Scourge's hands feeling up his body as well as him licking at his bruised up neck.

"But your my mess~" Scourge whispers into Sonic's ear pressing his weight onto his azure boyfriend.

"Ahh~" Sonic moans feeling his thigh getting squeezed and something poking his vulva.

"And besides you still owe me a round after you let Stripes have his way with you~" Scourge started rubbing his cock between Sonic's thighs and vulva.

Sonic started panting his body not able to handle the heat of body Scourge's body and the warm water from the shower head. "Hah...Stop teasing me~"

Scourge lets out a small chuckle before pressing his cock into Sonic's vulva, making the smaller male gasps and groan.

Scourge lets out a small grunt, at how tight Sonic had gotten it definitely didn't take long for him to start thrusting...Sonic's soft moans and panting filled up the bathroom.

"AHH!!~" Sonic moans feeling his special spot getting pressed into.

"That's it...just let me hear that voice of your~" Scourge mutters out through his own moans, he grunted feeling tight squeeze from Sonic's uterus.

Sonic couldn't help but drool, he felt the knot in his stomach about to burst, from all the thrusting his legs started shaking underneath him and extra weight.

Scourge wrapped his arms around Sonic holding onto the shower walls picking up the pace with his thrusting making the smaller male's body started to tremble.

Sonic tilted his ears back, as he just lets out a lets out a gasps unable to hold in his orgasm, Scourge started to lick away his tears as he pushes further into the other. The blue hedgehog lets out a deep breath before his tail started wagging as he felt the warm gush start to fill up his uterus.

"I missed you Blue~" Scourge said between his panting.

"Hah...I missed you too~" Sonic manages to say, before Scourge pulled his cock out.

"I'll help you put your leg brace back on, when we are done" Scourge tells Sonic. He helped the other wash off.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"Ow!" Sonic shouted when Scourge pulled out a dead quill out of his pelt, so far the floor was covered in dark blue quills from the other hedgehog's pelt.

"If you'd just brush your quills I wouldn't be doing this" Scourge tells Sonic.

"That's to much work..." Sonic complained as he shakes his body like a dog would when they were wet , he grabbed his gray hoodie off of the toilet seat starting to put it on sitting down.

Scourge only rolled his eyes at Sonic's complaint, before taking a look his mate's left leg...beside the obvious bruising from the brace itself, it looked rather bad...not to bad that it have be cut off, but bad enough that it kind of made feel guilty. Though it was rather difficult to put on the leg brace without hurting the other in the process but as soon as it was on. Sonic can get his pants and socks on.

Before Scourge could put on his jacket, he stopped by Sonic. "What is it Babe?"

"Nothing...I just want to see the damage that they had done to you..." Sonic admits, his ears pinned to his skull. "T-They hurt you pretty bad..."

"Sonic I told you I'm fine"

"I know...but I still feel bad, seeing you hurt...besides my friends and Shadow I care about you"

Scourge slips on his jacket and gives the hedgehog a small smile before kissing him on the lips. "Don't be...keeping you safe is my top priority" Sonic watched Scourge leave the bathroom, he felt his face heat up from what Scourge said. Before leaving the bathroom himself he quickly cleaned up his dead quills on the floor.

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